The thing about the grandstanding that has started to anger me is that rank-and-file people on the right see their so-called "leaders" pull stunts like these, get a chuckle out of them, and then think they are actually a useful strategy to actually accomplish something.
There was a sad post here a couple days ago about someone who went to get an injection and didn't sign one of the forms, signed another one "under duress", wore a sign that said "I do not consent"; and was surprised that he was still injected. And it's sad to see because these people don't actually know how to fight back, because they never have any examples of what to do to fight back; because no one on their side ever actually fights back. All they do is these little performative stunts that don't accomplish anything.
The thing about the grandstanding that has started to anger me is that rank-and-file people on the right see their so-called "leaders" pull stunts like these, get a chuckle out of them, and then think they are actually a useful strategy to actually accomplish something.
There was a sad post here a couple days ago about someone who went to get an injection and didn't sign one of the forms, signed another one "under duress", wore a sign that said "I do not consent"; and was surprised that he was still injected. And it's sad to see because these people don't actually know how to fight back, because they never have any examples of what to do to fight back; because no one on their side ever actually fights back. All they do is these little performative stunts that don't accomplish anything.