It's totally not a fetish, seriously you guys.
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Excellent comment. I mostly come to this site to point and laugh at retards, but every so often I'll read an insightful comment like this and it keeps me coming back. Lesbian -> alphabet soup -> tranny is the link I was missing there.
What do you make of porn sites that divide their content into straight/gay/tranny categories and don't make cross category recommendations? They count lesbian stuff as straight since it's made for straight men. It makes sense to me in terms of giving the algorithm a hard and fast rule and hiding shit most people find disgusting. But it also breaks the lesbian -> alphabet soup -> tranny link. I suppose that's why I didn't see the connection.
Excellent question. While most sites have broken down the categories due to complaints (and rightfully so, the average guy and girl doesn't want to see trannies), the goal is still to weed you back into the fold, and once you crossover, the switch literally flips from "hetero only"/ "lesbian only", to "gay + hetero", or "LGBT+".
That's another salient observation and feeds into the crossover recommendations. Sometimes they get really subversive with it (and it's like this with ANY algorithmic engine based on query flags) where let's say the site separates hetero/lesbians from gay/trannies. Well if the goal is to get people to watch the tranny stuff, how do you get them to flip the switch? It goes back to lesbians.
You're right that they categorize most lesbian material under hetero categories. However, we know that lesbians are still in the whole alphabet soup pool. This feeds back into using lesbian tags/content transitioning people into other fetishes.
Maybe it's lesbianism + BDSM, or lesbianism + (insert fetish here). Once you check out a certain fetish that includes lesbians, it then feeds you into another category. For instance, lets say you're not into BDSM but you follow that cam girl from the previous example, and she's with someone who is into BDSM. Maybe you like the other performer she's with and so you check out her stuff, even though you're not into BDSM.
If you check out the other channel with BDSM content it triggers another flag. Now your ID is associated with hetero + lesbians + BDSM. So they start recommending you more BDSM content, even if you may not like it. But let's say you keep following this other performer and she keeps dabbling in BDSM and it includes other performers, even of the tranny variety. Now if you click the video with the cam girl + tranny, some sites might ask you before you proceed, and in a fit of trying to see your favorite performer, you might click "Yes" to see the content.
Congrats, you've officially tripped the tranny flag.
Now in some cases it's a matter of undermining users who aren't conscious of the transition. The algorithm keeps recommending you the content that weeds you in and then they DO NOT alert you that the flag is tripped. So it's hetero -> lesbians -> BDSM -> (no flag warning) -> tranny stuff.
It's a complex psyop, really, and it actually starts OUTSIDE of porn.
You might notice there's a lot of lesbian characters here or there in media (in fact there are double the amount of lesbians in media than gay men, according to GLAAD) despite lesbians being a smaller percentage of gay men in real life? Well, that's deliberate, because surveys show more people are accepting of lesbians than gay men (for obvious reasons). You might also notice the constant promotion of bisexual women in media or entertainment?
Well, those two points are actually where it starts.
Women can be emotionally manipulated into the globohomo ranks, but most men are not so easily manipulated by their emotions like that. So how do you get a guy into the globohomo ranks when he's so averse to gay/tranny stuff? Well, it's a lot easier than you think.
Favorite comic, TV show, movie, game features bisexual/lesbians. Normalize it. Everyone goes "It's normal, there's nothing wrong with that." It works exceptionally well for guys who find these women attractive. What are most guys thinking? "Lesbians are hot!". How often have you seen or heard that used?
Now their favorite media is tempting them with some hot lesbians under the guise of "representation". Now most guys are going to subconsciously think about this when they go watch porn.
Not let's follow the algorithmic flowchart of queries from the outset impetus to the logical end goal: Normie media featuring lesbians/bisexuals -> hetero/lesbian porn -> fetish porn -> tranny/gay porn.
Congrats, you've just been manipulated into tranny porn.
You'll cross it yourself, eventually.