Dr. Leana Wen, Mao’s Cultural Warrior in USA
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send her the fuck back.
Don't forget the Omarova woman from Moscow State University that they want to install in the Treasury Dept. - https://archive.is/B0MMW
why are these foreign nationals part of our government?
Treat her like China treats American spies.
CNN’s Dr. Leana Wen: A Glow Worm Blast from the Past - https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/09/dr-leana-wen-glow-worm-blast-from-the-past/
Dr. Leana Wen—CNN’s Medical Propagandist—Has History With CCP and Eugenics Programs - https://somebitchtoldme.com/dr-leana-wen-cnns-medical-propagandist-has-history-with-ccp-eugenics-programs/
AMERICANS DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO TRAVEL? CNN'S ACTIVIST DOCTOR LEANA WEN EXPOSED - https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/leana-wen-cnn
Leana Wen - https://infogalactic.com/info/Leana_Wen