Do you even understand how charmless and ineffectual you have to be to pick a fight with stormies and still be the least likeable person in the room?
You ignore everything anyone says to you and screech "stormfags, stormcucks! Lol, u mad?!" everywhere, between exclusively shilling your shitty videos where you lisp out some more reeeee's and retarded leaps of non-logic.
Want some more facts? You can see your upvotes and downvotes independently here, and not only do the preponderance of people think you're a more of a fucking clown than a jester, for the vast majority of everything you've ever said here literally only you thought it was of any positive value. You're like the weird hyper-autistic kid who thinks interrupting people to tell them how much pooping makes him feel tingly in his butt is a clever observation that everyone appreciates. You just lack the social grace and and mental faculties to realise everyone just wants you to shut up and fuck off if you can't at least operate on a normal level of being less of a shitheel to listen to than your average stormy. I would (just barely) rather listen to another of azureace's fucked up furry futa faggotry rants than any more of your self-aggrandizing of your toddler's level understanding 'fakts n stuff' where you think A = B - C is the same as everything = stormcucks = SJW
Do you even understand how charmless and ineffectual you have to be to pick a fight with stormies and still be the least likeable person in the room?
Look how much I care about it...
You ignore everything anyone says to you and screech "stormfags, stormcucks! Lol, u mad?!" everywhere, between exclusively shilling your shitty videos where you lisp out some more reeeee's and retarded leaps of non-logic.
I have yet to see a stormcuck proving something true.
You can see your upvotes and downvotes independently here
A million flies eat shit. When are you going to eat shit?
literally only you thought it was of any positive value.
Using your methods to evaluate what people think, I say, this is false, considering the positive votes. But, personally? I care about it as much as the negatives. As long as I live rent free in your head, I'm doing my job...
You're like the weird hyper-autistic kid who thinks interrupting people to tell them how much pooping makes him feel tingly in his butt is a clever observation that everyone appreciates.
I'm using this on my videos.
realise everyone just wants you to shut up and fuck off
I have received many death threats. Threats that I should shut up. Still here.
"I don't care lolol" proceeds to do the most tryhard multiquote screed.
Like I said, you share a lot with the weird autistic kid. They don't notice social cues or care if people don't like them because they're too socially retarded to understand what's going on either. But you're welcome for the quote, I guess I already knew stealing ideas from better people and regurgitating things you have a cargo-cult-like miscomprehension of is the whole shtick for your channel.
Haha, awww, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit and FYI "no, you!" doesn't work on anyone who didn't flunk out of highschool.
Here's hoping maybe one day you'll find out what your strong suit is if it isn't reading, internet arguments, or making tolerable YouTube videos.
Oh no...
He managed to win the argument by not presenting any single facts!
Do you even understand how charmless and ineffectual you have to be to pick a fight with stormies and still be the least likeable person in the room?
You ignore everything anyone says to you and screech "stormfags, stormcucks! Lol, u mad?!" everywhere, between exclusively shilling your shitty videos where you lisp out some more reeeee's and retarded leaps of non-logic.
Want some more facts? You can see your upvotes and downvotes independently here, and not only do the preponderance of people think you're a more of a fucking clown than a jester, for the vast majority of everything you've ever said here literally only you thought it was of any positive value. You're like the weird hyper-autistic kid who thinks interrupting people to tell them how much pooping makes him feel tingly in his butt is a clever observation that everyone appreciates. You just lack the social grace and and mental faculties to realise everyone just wants you to shut up and fuck off if you can't at least operate on a normal level of being less of a shitheel to listen to than your average stormy. I would (just barely) rather listen to another of azureace's fucked up furry futa faggotry rants than any more of your self-aggrandizing of your toddler's level understanding 'fakts n stuff' where you think A = B - C is the same as everything = stormcucks = SJW
Look how much I care about it...
I have yet to see a stormcuck proving something true.
A million flies eat shit. When are you going to eat shit?
Using your methods to evaluate what people think, I say, this is false, considering the positive votes. But, personally? I care about it as much as the negatives. As long as I live rent free in your head, I'm doing my job...
I'm using this on my videos.
I have received many death threats. Threats that I should shut up. Still here.
k, thx.
"I don't care lolol" proceeds to do the most tryhard multiquote screed.
Like I said, you share a lot with the weird autistic kid. They don't notice social cues or care if people don't like them because they're too socially retarded to understand what's going on either. But you're welcome for the quote, I guess I already knew stealing ideas from better people and regurgitating things you have a cargo-cult-like miscomprehension of is the whole shtick for your channel.