This is a fairly massive thing for Australian politics right now. Gladys is, as I said, openly corrupt. Has been ever since I first heard of her, as Transport Minister, in around 2014. She's also the third premier in a row, from that party/this government, to resign in disgrace, after corruption allegations...
Amazing, really.
What happens now, though? Fuck knows. But this is a massive win for accountability, and for those of us who want all of this bullshit to end. Dan is next. I hate him far, far more, and I fucking hope he burns (metaphorically) in political hell. He deserves to rot (in jail), as, clearly, does Gladytsio...
So I guess the question now is: Who do you think replaces her? Because at least from the "Outsider looking in" stuff I am keeping up with on the [New Zealand Ranchers] website, there are two likely options. Domonic Perrettot (who they say wants to end the lockdowns and go back to comparative normal) or Matt Kean (who I couldnt find anything about other than that he is a nutty Watermelon, so I dont imagine his stance on lockdowns is good).
Dominic Perettot is a weirdo who thinks we should tear down all of Sydney's old buildings ("because they're ugly") and replace them with shiny modernist structures...
Narcissist, big fan of "big business", and, realistically, his own personal enrichment...
Matt Kean, by contrast, is, umm, pretty much an environmentalist... He's the furthest left in that whole cabinet, and really, really pushes renewables, emissions targets, etc.
So neither is great. But I can imagine Kean, being almost a leftist, would probably salivate over lockdowns more. At a guess.
Also, you can just say the Farms. I think we know what you mean!
Dominic Perettot is a weirdo who thinks we should tear down all of Sydney's old buildings ("because they're ugly") and replace them with shiny modernist structures...
Oh, so he is one of those types. I have never understood the reasoning for that beyond "Make every city look the same" and "The old ways are haram". Meanwhile, in my city, the local engineers still build using modern techniques but have the outside facing parts still at least look like the standard for local, classical buildings (so lots of brick, limestone, and/or wood, like this). Sorry to hear that even your "best" case is still a nutter.
Matt Kean, by contrast, is, umm, pretty much an environmentalist... He's the furthest left in that whole cabinet, and really, really pushes renewables, emissions targets, etc.
Hence why I called him a Watermelon ("Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside"). When I saw that he wants to ban the sale of all non-electric vehicles by 2035, I knew I was dealing with a man who wants to restrict the free movement of people for ideological reasons but is hiding it behind "environmentalism".
And people like him are why I call myself a Conservationist instead (also because I demand what is best for Humans, not "The Planet").
Also, you can just say the Farms.
Good to know. I didnt know if there was a ban on mentioning the Farms by name like there is on Reddit. Will make it easier in the future.
Yeah, the ABC likes to trot out Perottet (I hate spelling his name, fuck) every NSW/Federal election... Guy is a massive doooouuuuccchhhee...
Though apparently the "tear down the old buildings" thing was "a joke". He said that, after people pointed out that the article he wrote wanting to do that was completely bonkers...
Also, I think it was (Victor?) Dominello, rather than him, who said this, but he called the NSW "contact tracing" and "vaccine passport" apps his "babies", yes, his babies, and said that he didn't want to give them up too quickly, because he was so "proud" of what they had achieved (or rather, failed to)...
I wish I could find the article where he said that now, but Google is hiding it...
Aaaannnddd then he got Bell's Palsy, from the vaccine. Lol.
So yeah, these guys are nuts... Like, they really are.
I forgot about the electric cars bit. Thanks for reminding me. Fuck that dude, lol.
Yeah, it's all about control. In Australia at least, that's what everything comes down to, whether they mask it with "environmentalism" or "public health" or "socjus". It's always about controlling Joe Citizen, and making his life as inconvenient and frustrating as possible. In the name of the UniParty, of course.
Regardless of who "takes charge" (irony), it's really going to be Brad "Biological" Hazzard, and Kerry "Dogface" Chant, pulling the strings behind the scenes, anyway. Unfortunately... So I don't really expect anything much to change, bar the optics!
Car's are really important for us here in AUS as well.
The shortest distance between Capital Cities (other then Canberra to Sydney which no one counts) is Adelaide to Melbourne at 730km, no electric car can make that.
I should also add, to answer your question more fully: I don't expect anything much to change in NSW until/unless Dan Shitdrews is removed in Vic... Simply because these two states keep bouncing off one another (as they have for 150 years), and trying to outdo one another, both in scary rhetoric, and oppressive action...
If we're going on an "authoritarian - libertarian" axis, instead of a left-right one, Dan being in power pushes whoever is in charge in NSW, and elsewhere, much further towards the "authoritarian" side... Because this is all a political game, you see?
Palace-Chook does the same, to NSW, by squeezing the borders, and also being an authoritarian fascist cunt, but see, she ain't going anywhere (election up there was recent), and is quite literally a career politician, in a seat that was created for her family, to be passed down as some sort of "hereditary gift", and so... She will almost certainly never leave the scene.
So yeah, NSW politics, while it does exist on a self-contained scale... In this case it is largely being dictated to by the other states, and by the whole "National Cabinet" bullshit, as well... Doesn't help that "Scotty from Marketing" is from Sydney, either, so he has far, far more say in NSW domestic politics than he should.
This is without mentioning that WA is enjoying, far, far too much, the opportunity to "flex its muscle", and fuck with the entire Commonwealth, NSW included. Though McGowan is... Like our version of Nicola Sturgeon or something. Corrupt, insane, with a personality cult of epic proportions in his own "jurisdiction". So we like to just ignore him, for the most part, ha. And shake our heads at his... Tinpot dictatorship, really.
Wew, that was... A lot. Time for bed, for me, I think!
It's kind of clown world when I look at this whole thing, I blame entirely at Dan Andrews for Australia even to getting this state. Victoria was happy to enforce this lockdown in the midst of pandemic but when it came to BLM march, he fucking allowed it to go on. Predictably after that, a lot of people caught the virus then he let two couple who already got the virus travel outside the state letting it get to NSW as well. Why is nobody asking for his accountability? I know every australian politicians were salivating for this moment to make it a police state but still shouldn't Dan Andrews have resigned for getting the virus spread in the first place?
Dan Andrews is not that powerful, going by his google image. He's just some goofy looking kid that Aussies appear to be obeying. You guys could take back your country this weekend, if you wanted to.
This is a fairly massive thing for Australian politics right now. Gladys is, as I said, openly corrupt. Has been ever since I first heard of her, as Transport Minister, in around 2014. She's also the third premier in a row, from that party/this government, to resign in disgrace, after corruption allegations...
Amazing, really.
What happens now, though? Fuck knows. But this is a massive win for accountability, and for those of us who want all of this bullshit to end. Dan is next. I hate him far, far more, and I fucking hope he burns (metaphorically) in political hell. He deserves to rot (in jail), as, clearly, does Gladytsio...
So I guess the question now is: Who do you think replaces her? Because at least from the "Outsider looking in" stuff I am keeping up with on the [New Zealand Ranchers] website, there are two likely options. Domonic Perrettot (who they say wants to end the lockdowns and go back to comparative normal) or Matt Kean (who I couldnt find anything about other than that he is a nutty Watermelon, so I dont imagine his stance on lockdowns is good).
Dominic Perettot is a weirdo who thinks we should tear down all of Sydney's old buildings ("because they're ugly") and replace them with shiny modernist structures...
Narcissist, big fan of "big business", and, realistically, his own personal enrichment...
Matt Kean, by contrast, is, umm, pretty much an environmentalist... He's the furthest left in that whole cabinet, and really, really pushes renewables, emissions targets, etc.
So neither is great. But I can imagine Kean, being almost a leftist, would probably salivate over lockdowns more. At a guess.
Also, you can just say the Farms. I think we know what you mean!
Oh, so he is one of those types. I have never understood the reasoning for that beyond "Make every city look the same" and "The old ways are haram". Meanwhile, in my city, the local engineers still build using modern techniques but have the outside facing parts still at least look like the standard for local, classical buildings (so lots of brick, limestone, and/or wood, like this). Sorry to hear that even your "best" case is still a nutter.
Hence why I called him a Watermelon ("Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside"). When I saw that he wants to ban the sale of all non-electric vehicles by 2035, I knew I was dealing with a man who wants to restrict the free movement of people for ideological reasons but is hiding it behind "environmentalism".
And people like him are why I call myself a Conservationist instead (also because I demand what is best for Humans, not "The Planet").
Good to know. I didnt know if there was a ban on mentioning the Farms by name like there is on Reddit. Will make it easier in the future.
Yeah, the ABC likes to trot out Perottet (I hate spelling his name, fuck) every NSW/Federal election... Guy is a massive doooouuuuccchhhee...
Though apparently the "tear down the old buildings" thing was "a joke". He said that, after people pointed out that the article he wrote wanting to do that was completely bonkers...
Also, I think it was (Victor?) Dominello, rather than him, who said this, but he called the NSW "contact tracing" and "vaccine passport" apps his "babies", yes, his babies, and said that he didn't want to give them up too quickly, because he was so "proud" of what they had achieved (or rather, failed to)...
I wish I could find the article where he said that now, but Google is hiding it...
Aaaannnddd then he got Bell's Palsy, from the vaccine. Lol.
So yeah, these guys are nuts... Like, they really are.
I forgot about the electric cars bit. Thanks for reminding me. Fuck that dude, lol.
Yeah, it's all about control. In Australia at least, that's what everything comes down to, whether they mask it with "environmentalism" or "public health" or "socjus". It's always about controlling Joe Citizen, and making his life as inconvenient and frustrating as possible. In the name of the UniParty, of course.
Regardless of who "takes charge" (irony), it's really going to be Brad "Biological" Hazzard, and Kerry "Dogface" Chant, pulling the strings behind the scenes, anyway. Unfortunately... So I don't really expect anything much to change, bar the optics!
Car's are really important for us here in AUS as well. The shortest distance between Capital Cities (other then Canberra to Sydney which no one counts) is Adelaide to Melbourne at 730km, no electric car can make that.
I should also add, to answer your question more fully: I don't expect anything much to change in NSW until/unless Dan Shitdrews is removed in Vic... Simply because these two states keep bouncing off one another (as they have for 150 years), and trying to outdo one another, both in scary rhetoric, and oppressive action...
If we're going on an "authoritarian - libertarian" axis, instead of a left-right one, Dan being in power pushes whoever is in charge in NSW, and elsewhere, much further towards the "authoritarian" side... Because this is all a political game, you see?
Palace-Chook does the same, to NSW, by squeezing the borders, and also being an authoritarian fascist cunt, but see, she ain't going anywhere (election up there was recent), and is quite literally a career politician, in a seat that was created for her family, to be passed down as some sort of "hereditary gift", and so... She will almost certainly never leave the scene.
So yeah, NSW politics, while it does exist on a self-contained scale... In this case it is largely being dictated to by the other states, and by the whole "National Cabinet" bullshit, as well... Doesn't help that "Scotty from Marketing" is from Sydney, either, so he has far, far more say in NSW domestic politics than he should.
This is without mentioning that WA is enjoying, far, far too much, the opportunity to "flex its muscle", and fuck with the entire Commonwealth, NSW included. Though McGowan is... Like our version of Nicola Sturgeon or something. Corrupt, insane, with a personality cult of epic proportions in his own "jurisdiction". So we like to just ignore him, for the most part, ha. And shake our heads at his... Tinpot dictatorship, really.
Wew, that was... A lot. Time for bed, for me, I think!
It's kind of clown world when I look at this whole thing, I blame entirely at Dan Andrews for Australia even to getting this state. Victoria was happy to enforce this lockdown in the midst of pandemic but when it came to BLM march, he fucking allowed it to go on. Predictably after that, a lot of people caught the virus then he let two couple who already got the virus travel outside the state letting it get to NSW as well. Why is nobody asking for his accountability? I know every australian politicians were salivating for this moment to make it a police state but still shouldn't Dan Andrews have resigned for getting the virus spread in the first place?
Dan Andrews is not that powerful, going by his google image. He's just some goofy looking kid that Aussies appear to be obeying. You guys could take back your country this weekend, if you wanted to.