NO WAY! I always thought they were highly intelligent, stable and level-headed.
Now, I wonder: is their mental illness a cause or a result of their ideology? I assume it must be hard to smear your own race in order to pretend to be "one of the good ones".
Not only are all of these tactics present personally. But the crime of this century, is that multiple governments and multiple industries have structured themselves in turning these abuse systems into industrial mechanism to ensure power and control over populations. Social Media, especially Twitter, has turned into a mechanism for these predators: a new hunting ground. It's gamificaiton has made the psychological abuse incentivized through both monetary and social status means. Traditional media has adopted these methods that we first saw in GamerGate used on a mass scale against entire populations. Governments have seen the value in these abuse systems and are now currently promoting these abuse systems with the help of both traditional and social media into crafting new forms of totalitarianism using Covid as an excuse.
The adoption of this abuse hasn't stopped because these abuse systems are effective, and the Ponzi Scheme Predators have expanded their sphere of influence in to damn near every industry they can get ahold of. Those seeking control and dominance of their industries are also promoting it either because they themselves have been ideologically possessed through these same methods, or they have decided that the predation is the most optimal way of controlling the marketplace; which has led us not only to Academia and Media using these methods, but banks as well.
It must be the fight of our lives to resist and break against these institutions that have adopted industrialized mechanisms of mass psychological abuse.
And before you get all black pilled, let me remind you that these ponzi schems can't survive their own perpetual expansion. Their expansion is indicative of their failure. The wider the Ponzi Scheme grows, the more unstable it becomes.
I'm not a religious man, but those of you who are, may understand why I would say this passage is so important right now:
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over."
Courage of conviction and principle must be met against the hordes of this industrialized Evil and it's paymasters. Their collapse is inevitable, and thus our victory is assured. The issue merely whether we are ready for that collapse or not, and whether we will ensure the collapse by never succumbing to the expansion of this manifestation of Hell. It is a power-bubble, and it must collapse if it can't expand.
Here I thought you would go with this, but perhaps it is a bit to aggressive.
So will part 3 deal with the aftermath? and have you done any further pondering upon the bond based system? Would it be viable to start implementing it on a smaller scale in order to get a running alternative system set up? And will all the government hardware go to computer hell ? (/s on the last question).
I may or may not have been blaring that in traffic in my car.
So will part 3 deal with the aftermath? and have you done any further pondering upon the bond based system? Would it be viable to start implementing it on a smaller scale in order to get a running alternative system set up? And will all the government hardware go to computer hell ? (/s on the last question).
You'll have to give me a while to respond to that properly.
Longstory short. People should be a lot more white-pilled than they are. I believe that the 21st century is actually when Liberalism is actually going to emerge naturally among human populations, as 17th century Liberalism was a strange almost England specific fluke of history and geography. Human Commodification had been the norm, and Liberalism was a strange blowback to that which happened to occur in the three places where it could thrive almost uncontested: Britain, France, and the US.
The Era of Human Commodification is coming to an end, and decentralizes Liberal-Like and Republican systems are going to emerge over the coming century which corresponds to the continuing rise of decentralized firepower, with little corresponding rise in defensive technology. AI, drones, anti-ship missiles, miniaturization of railguns, it's all going away from centralized control.
We can expect Regionalism and geographically disparate wars to start taking place. It will not be impossible to see something like a war between Poland and India take place across 3 continents and 15 countries. Due to Geographic, Political, Economic, and Cultural advantages, we are likely to get yet another American century, if the Canadians keep fucking up and don't take it for themselves due to their incredible advantages. India and Russia are likely to do better this century, but they've got innumerable problems. China is far worse off than anyone realizes, and I don't think a Civil War is impossible.
Genuinely Libertarian systems like what I've mentioned may emerge, but it's hard to get them running since there isn't a lot of bedrock to build them up from. I wouldn't be surprised if we found genuine Libertarian governments emerge at least within the US and in a handful of other places scattered around the globe. More likely we will see a kind of managed Liberalism and very vague re-drawing of borders between governmental territory. Don't be surprised if there are a few international unification and separatist movements where small countries may merge or separate from or to larger ones, or that several countries might form some kind of protectionist block.
We can expect Regionalism and geographically disparate wars to start taking place. It will not be impossible to see something like a war between Poland and India take place across 3 continents and 15 countries. Due to Geographic, Political, Economic, and Cultural advantages, we are likely to get yet another American century, if the Canadians keep fucking up and don't take it for themselves due to their incredible advantages. India and Russia are likely to do better this century, but they've got innumerable problems. China is far worse off than anyone realizes, and I don't think a Civil War is impossible.
Europe? Do see any chance for northern Europe (where the infection is quite deep)?
NO WAY! I always thought they were highly intelligent, stable and level-headed.
Now, I wonder: is their mental illness a cause or a result of their ideology? I assume it must be hard to smear your own race in order to pretend to be "one of the good ones".
Beginning of Part 2:
Not only are all of these tactics present personally. But the crime of this century, is that multiple governments and multiple industries have structured themselves in turning these abuse systems into industrial mechanism to ensure power and control over populations. Social Media, especially Twitter, has turned into a mechanism for these predators: a new hunting ground. It's gamificaiton has made the psychological abuse incentivized through both monetary and social status means. Traditional media has adopted these methods that we first saw in GamerGate used on a mass scale against entire populations. Governments have seen the value in these abuse systems and are now currently promoting these abuse systems with the help of both traditional and social media into crafting new forms of totalitarianism using Covid as an excuse.
The adoption of this abuse hasn't stopped because these abuse systems are effective, and the Ponzi Scheme Predators have expanded their sphere of influence in to damn near every industry they can get ahold of. Those seeking control and dominance of their industries are also promoting it either because they themselves have been ideologically possessed through these same methods, or they have decided that the predation is the most optimal way of controlling the marketplace; which has led us not only to Academia and Media using these methods, but banks as well.
It must be the fight of our lives to resist and break against these institutions that have adopted industrialized mechanisms of mass psychological abuse.
And before you get all black pilled, let me remind you that these ponzi schems can't survive their own perpetual expansion. Their expansion is indicative of their failure. The wider the Ponzi Scheme grows, the more unstable it becomes.
I'm not a religious man, but those of you who are, may understand why I would say this passage is so important right now:
Courage of conviction and principle must be met against the hordes of this industrialized Evil and it's paymasters. Their collapse is inevitable, and thus our victory is assured. The issue merely whether we are ready for that collapse or not, and whether we will ensure the collapse by never succumbing to the expansion of this manifestation of Hell. It is a power-bubble, and it must collapse if it can't expand.
Be the pinecone in the forest fire.
Here I thought you would go with this, but perhaps it is a bit to aggressive.
So will part 3 deal with the aftermath? and have you done any further pondering upon the bond based system? Would it be viable to start implementing it on a smaller scale in order to get a running alternative system set up? And will all the government hardware go to computer hell ? (/s on the last question).
Oh, you mean my anthem?
No, it was just less pertinent to my point.
I may or may not have been blaring that in traffic in my car.
You'll have to give me a while to respond to that properly.
Longstory short. People should be a lot more white-pilled than they are. I believe that the 21st century is actually when Liberalism is actually going to emerge naturally among human populations, as 17th century Liberalism was a strange almost England specific fluke of history and geography. Human Commodification had been the norm, and Liberalism was a strange blowback to that which happened to occur in the three places where it could thrive almost uncontested: Britain, France, and the US.
The Era of Human Commodification is coming to an end, and decentralizes Liberal-Like and Republican systems are going to emerge over the coming century which corresponds to the continuing rise of decentralized firepower, with little corresponding rise in defensive technology. AI, drones, anti-ship missiles, miniaturization of railguns, it's all going away from centralized control.
We can expect Regionalism and geographically disparate wars to start taking place. It will not be impossible to see something like a war between Poland and India take place across 3 continents and 15 countries. Due to Geographic, Political, Economic, and Cultural advantages, we are likely to get yet another American century, if the Canadians keep fucking up and don't take it for themselves due to their incredible advantages. India and Russia are likely to do better this century, but they've got innumerable problems. China is far worse off than anyone realizes, and I don't think a Civil War is impossible.
Genuinely Libertarian systems like what I've mentioned may emerge, but it's hard to get them running since there isn't a lot of bedrock to build them up from. I wouldn't be surprised if we found genuine Libertarian governments emerge at least within the US and in a handful of other places scattered around the globe. More likely we will see a kind of managed Liberalism and very vague re-drawing of borders between governmental territory. Don't be surprised if there are a few international unification and separatist movements where small countries may merge or separate from or to larger ones, or that several countries might form some kind of protectionist block.
Europe? Do see any chance for northern Europe (where the infection is quite deep)?
And no worries about taking time to respond.