Some Asian cultures, not all of them, and the most dominant Asian culture currently (Chinese), prioritizes collectivism in the worst ways, through government infringement upon the people, not betterment of the people. The other Asian cultures and countries are of little consequence with how little they've achieved in the last few hundred years, stagnating. White society philosophical foundations have been built upon for millennia since Greek civilization, and probably before, but there are almost no physical contents before that time period, due to the fire at the library of Alexandria, the Younger Dryas impacts and flooding, and the current mainstream corruption of history which is censoring research on these, and other verboten, topics.
As hard as it is for people to accept, genetics and philosophy are the two foundations that determine the results of a society. Even if philosophies were shared between societies of different races, the results would be different. The subtlety of execution, understanding, and evolution of ideas varies wildly, which is also shown in the direct results of each society. I can't believe this even needs to be said, but people often forget the most simple of things: similar peoples act similar. White people absolutely share culture across different white societies, that would be much more divergent if the race was different. The same is true for every race. This doesn't mean there can be infinite variation within each race, only that an astute observer can to see the similarities, differences, and categorize accordingly.
There are white nationalist and white supremacist writings all over the internet that discuss similarities between white cultures far better and in depth than I've gone into, if you care to look into it yourself. Even if you disagree with their views, they have valid points about this topic, which would be idiotic to ignore.
I have no desire to read anything by white nationalist or white supremacist. I never said they shared all of the same values or that all Asian cultures did. I was pointing out that culture is determined by more than just values. There is music, folklore, art, religious views, food, language, traditions, history. A lot of white cultures share values based on them being on the same continent and at one point sharing similar religious beliefs and connections to the Roman Empire, and centuries of trade, even the renaissance. But culturally an Englishman and an Austrian is quite different. A Scotsman and a Hungarian will have just as many differing traditions as they do similar. They will have different holidays and customs. It’s the same reason many Asian cultures place value on the lunar new year. It’s due to trade and connections to other regional powers for centuries and absolutely nothing to do with their skin color.
Some Asian cultures, not all of them, and the most dominant Asian culture currently (Chinese), prioritizes collectivism in the worst ways, through government infringement upon the people, not betterment of the people. The other Asian cultures and countries are of little consequence with how little they've achieved in the last few hundred years, stagnating. White society philosophical foundations have been built upon for millennia since Greek civilization, and probably before, but there are almost no physical contents before that time period, due to the fire at the library of Alexandria, the Younger Dryas impacts and flooding, and the current mainstream corruption of history which is censoring research on these, and other verboten, topics.
As hard as it is for people to accept, genetics and philosophy are the two foundations that determine the results of a society. Even if philosophies were shared between societies of different races, the results would be different. The subtlety of execution, understanding, and evolution of ideas varies wildly, which is also shown in the direct results of each society. I can't believe this even needs to be said, but people often forget the most simple of things: similar peoples act similar. White people absolutely share culture across different white societies, that would be much more divergent if the race was different. The same is true for every race. This doesn't mean there can be infinite variation within each race, only that an astute observer can to see the similarities, differences, and categorize accordingly.
There are white nationalist and white supremacist writings all over the internet that discuss similarities between white cultures far better and in depth than I've gone into, if you care to look into it yourself. Even if you disagree with their views, they have valid points about this topic, which would be idiotic to ignore.
I have no desire to read anything by white nationalist or white supremacist. I never said they shared all of the same values or that all Asian cultures did. I was pointing out that culture is determined by more than just values. There is music, folklore, art, religious views, food, language, traditions, history. A lot of white cultures share values based on them being on the same continent and at one point sharing similar religious beliefs and connections to the Roman Empire, and centuries of trade, even the renaissance. But culturally an Englishman and an Austrian is quite different. A Scotsman and a Hungarian will have just as many differing traditions as they do similar. They will have different holidays and customs. It’s the same reason many Asian cultures place value on the lunar new year. It’s due to trade and connections to other regional powers for centuries and absolutely nothing to do with their skin color.