These modern priests who have empathy for every illegal, terrorist, child molesting troon pervert, but then shame you for being against the Satanist libs who brag about supporting Muslims who kill Christians, abortions on an industrial scale, etc.
I just googled this fuck. He wears a t-shirt supporting Muslims, another one claiming Jesus was a refugee. But hey, at least we can know that if I get raped by some Mohamed, he will support me, even if I get AIDS, get an abortion or decide to become a troon after the trauma.
So nice.
This isn't a Christian guy, he is a Satanist priest.
So I suppose we are just going to ignore the fact that Mary and Joseph were Roman citizens and this is the whole reason they were in Bethlehem. To register for the census, like all Romans.
Did this dude even read the Bible? Dont answer that, we all know the answer.
These modern priests who have empathy for every illegal, terrorist, child molesting troon pervert, but then shame you for being against the Satanist libs who brag about supporting Muslims who kill Christians, abortions on an industrial scale, etc.
I just googled this fuck. He wears a t-shirt supporting Muslims, another one claiming Jesus was a refugee. But hey, at least we can know that if I get raped by some Mohamed, he will support me, even if I get AIDS, get an abortion or decide to become a troon after the trauma.
So nice.
This isn't a Christian guy, he is a Satanist priest.
So I suppose we are just going to ignore the fact that Mary and Joseph were Roman citizens and this is the whole reason they were in Bethlehem. To register for the census, like all Romans.
Did this dude even read the Bible? Dont answer that, we all know the answer.