I don't get caught up in the noise and just stand back and always watch what all the forced, non-organic bullshit might be about.
The country was surrendered to the NWO and they are going to go full throttle to destroy the US, and the government is going to keep being more and more oppressive. Blatantly. Anti-constitution, anti-everything that kept most things in check. Laws don't matter. Rules don't matter. They have assumed full control and no outsider will ever win an election that matters again.
Why the oppression? They have to get the guns and gun owners. They are going to continue to double down because they want to push those that will eventually fight for the country out in the open. That's where all this subtle propaganda is going; capital protests worse than 9/11, gun owners bad, worse than Taliban. Anti-mask/anti-vax = conservatives. Government good. Right wing bad.
The stage is being set for the uprising to occur, with all the leftist useful idiots turning friends and family in, with the end goal being the US calls in the UN forces. There will be a war in this country beyond a civil war. There will be a foreign army on our soil sanctioned by the US government.
Prepare your family for chaos. This isn't the 1860's. I wish it wasn't so.
I personally don't subscribe to the 'doomer' outlook. Nothing has ever been accomplished by giving up and sitting back and waiting for what someone deems "inevitable." To be clear, I'm not insulting you. I'm just simply disagreeing with some of what you're saying. There's also a lot of truth in your words as well, so don't take it personally.
So often — and for no reason — people seem to forget nuance and that we're not a monolith. It's ok to disagree with some aspects and agree with others. That I even have to make such a statement shows how shit things have become in 2021.
That said, a similar topic seems to be posted nearly daily now for some reason. I still stand by what I've written on it before about the importance of participation, and I'll copypasta that here:
If you really want to at least try to make a difference, be sure to sign up to be a poll worker/watcher as soon as possible. You have primaries coming up and as we know, they're not above stealing elections.
Make their life more difficult in every conceivable way at every single opportunity. Even if it seems petty and stupid, be like an itch that won't go away. A constant source of irritation and annoyance. Make them earn their miserable dystopian hellhole wasteland every step of the way, so that if they ever actually achieve it, they're so worn out and exhausted that they never get to enjoy it.
The more that participate, the harder their job becomes. This is simple common sense.
Even if the people going in don't have much power, they are a valuable asset; much like participation is. The more involvement people have the more their corruption can be elucidated for the average person. Participation does not preclude you from planning in other ways. It does not stop anyone from being prepared. It's just one more important thing that people can do to make elites task exponentially more difficult and their lives a bit more more miserable. It's a tool in your arsenal. It makes what's taking place into a war of attrition — and a lot of these assholes are old as hell anyway. The more people that participate, the more their nonsense can be disrupted, at the very least. It's not even like it's some super difficult thing to do and in reality, affords you the ability to make meaningful connections with like-minded people off the internet within your community to help push back on them.
This is not to say that these things are the answers we're looking for and that they'll solve all of our problems either. We'll still likely face tons of trouble and difficulty going forward; however, the alternative is to sit back and do nothing. It's one of many things that people can do simultaneously while doing other things as well.
Planning for an aftermath isn't a plan. It's submission and acceptance of your place.
You are naive. We are fucked. Don't take it personally.
Oh, so you're another doomer who's given up and is just waiting for what you consider inevitable.
Why are all you people here then? To just whine and scream into the ether?
You can sit back and continue to do nothing to justify giving up so easily. Just don't talk about what "those before us" would have done, when you can't even be bothered to try besides on the internet from the comfort of your home.
Go ahead and take it personally, if you'd like.