Not that I can forgive any of this shit content, but, it says TV MA in the top. Mature Audiences. Not kids. I can understand why this might seem confusing since the imagery colors and candy are usually for children. The retards who would watch this shit have the brain maturity of children.
Not that I can forgive any of this shit content, but, it says TV MA in the top. Mature Audiences. Not kids. I can understand why this might seem confusing since the imagery colors and candy are usually for children. The retards who would watch this shit have the brain maturity of children.
It’s advertised right on the start page. Most kids have ready access to this.
I know this is a difficult concept, but this requires parenting and parental rejection of the jewish poison.
So have adult diapers.
degeneracy shouldn't be promoted under any circumstances
This looks like over exaggeration unless this was part of a section targeting to kids.