I never want to hear democrats or 'moderates' complain about 'norms' ever again.
Same with the GOP establishment.
It is long past time for 'tit for tat' on stuff like this - you can't allow one party to systematically destroy almost every single tradition we've had because they like it and are 'doing it for the right reasons'. We don't have government by consent anymore if this continues.
This is infuriating, but I'm happy it's happening because it's yet another way in which it should be obvious to everyone the left basically doesn't believe in our system anymore. I'm going to borrow a line a commenter on instapundit put out there that sums things up really well -
“To tie it back to another commenter’s point in another thread, we have a managerial class who have MBAs and other credentials from all the correct schools, but are utter incompetents. They learned to game the system, and have relied on decades worth of accumulated social, political, cultural, and economic capital to carry them through these crises. Now that capital is almost used up, and they’re discovering that they are vastly overleveraged.”
They are purging the ranks, but stuffing them full of rats like themselves, and when they demand respect for authority people won't have much reason to take them seriously - and it's spread very overtly to the career civil service posts that people at least tried to pretend was non-partisan. Now they don't even care to take chances there.
It's an escalation, but one that needed to happen. Maybe people will have less room to kid themselves about the scope of this problem later.
It's an escalation, but one that needed to happen. Maybe people will have less room to kid themselves about the scope of this problem later.
I really wish this was true. There are still some people here on the blue pill thinking "Guys, it will get better... just wait... the pendulum will swing back the other way any day now!" and others saying "Come the mid-terms we'll show them!" as if the mid-terms won't be as rigged as the last general election?!
No, it's pretty obvious when you look at the trends, the facts, the basic gist of their policies and the coordinated effort of global tyranny being enacted upon the populace by the kakistocracy, that this isn't going away. It's not going to erode with some kind of magical election of "good" people. There isn't a point where they stop and say "Hey, you know... we've gone too far. We're going back to normal now."
No, they've already stated that THIS IS the new normal, and anyone who hasn't recognized that after they banned NoNewNormal from Reddit as a symbolic and literal representation that things will NEVER go back to the way they were, and things will only literally get worse from here on out.
This is siege warfare, and it's going to move at a crawl - just, at this point, there will be bursts. The critical line is when these crackpot authoritarians decide it's time for yet more flexings to make examples of yet more people. There isn't going to be a dam burst, or a sudden turn - this is going to be a slow, agonizing process barring some stroke of good fortune with moments where things stagger, loose momentum, then start hobbling along again. I've never been someone to claim one midterm cycle fixes everything - we are in a very deep hole that's been dug for decades, and it will take a comparable effort to get ourselves out.
They can state this is the new normal all they want, but how the hell are they actually going to enforce it when they've staffed themselves with nothing but political cronies? When they think shouting at the media ticks the 'appeal to the public' box? Things are different. We're a different country now, especially now that all they do to appeal to people is to scare them, and all the charm from even the Obama era has been thrown out the window as inconvenient. We aren't going back to any kind of normal we've known at this point - this will flare to some kind of confrontation.
It's going to escalate until it can't, and what's going to accelerate things is all the damage that's been done to society over the past year and a half. Loss of societal trust is a big one, and it's the most tragic one. I've felt ever since the election that the powers-that-be have decided to basically punish the people at large for daring to attempt to embrace populism, and I'm betting long term that will be what leads to their downfall.
I never want to hear democrats or 'moderates' complain about 'norms' ever again.
Same with the GOP establishment.
It is long past time for 'tit for tat' on stuff like this - you can't allow one party to systematically destroy almost every single tradition we've had because they like it and are 'doing it for the right reasons'. We don't have government by consent anymore if this continues.
Just as a follow-on thought -
This is infuriating, but I'm happy it's happening because it's yet another way in which it should be obvious to everyone the left basically doesn't believe in our system anymore. I'm going to borrow a line a commenter on instapundit put out there that sums things up really well -
“To tie it back to another commenter’s point in another thread, we have a managerial class who have MBAs and other credentials from all the correct schools, but are utter incompetents. They learned to game the system, and have relied on decades worth of accumulated social, political, cultural, and economic capital to carry them through these crises. Now that capital is almost used up, and they’re discovering that they are vastly overleveraged.”
They are purging the ranks, but stuffing them full of rats like themselves, and when they demand respect for authority people won't have much reason to take them seriously - and it's spread very overtly to the career civil service posts that people at least tried to pretend was non-partisan. Now they don't even care to take chances there.
It's an escalation, but one that needed to happen. Maybe people will have less room to kid themselves about the scope of this problem later.
I really wish this was true. There are still some people here on the blue pill thinking "Guys, it will get better... just wait... the pendulum will swing back the other way any day now!" and others saying "Come the mid-terms we'll show them!" as if the mid-terms won't be as rigged as the last general election?!
No, it's pretty obvious when you look at the trends, the facts, the basic gist of their policies and the coordinated effort of global tyranny being enacted upon the populace by the kakistocracy, that this isn't going away. It's not going to erode with some kind of magical election of "good" people. There isn't a point where they stop and say "Hey, you know... we've gone too far. We're going back to normal now."
No, they've already stated that THIS IS the new normal, and anyone who hasn't recognized that after they banned NoNewNormal from Reddit as a symbolic and literal representation that things will NEVER go back to the way they were, and things will only literally get worse from here on out.
I know.
This is siege warfare, and it's going to move at a crawl - just, at this point, there will be bursts. The critical line is when these crackpot authoritarians decide it's time for yet more flexings to make examples of yet more people. There isn't going to be a dam burst, or a sudden turn - this is going to be a slow, agonizing process barring some stroke of good fortune with moments where things stagger, loose momentum, then start hobbling along again. I've never been someone to claim one midterm cycle fixes everything - we are in a very deep hole that's been dug for decades, and it will take a comparable effort to get ourselves out.
They can state this is the new normal all they want, but how the hell are they actually going to enforce it when they've staffed themselves with nothing but political cronies? When they think shouting at the media ticks the 'appeal to the public' box? Things are different. We're a different country now, especially now that all they do to appeal to people is to scare them, and all the charm from even the Obama era has been thrown out the window as inconvenient. We aren't going back to any kind of normal we've known at this point - this will flare to some kind of confrontation.
It's going to escalate until it can't, and what's going to accelerate things is all the damage that's been done to society over the past year and a half. Loss of societal trust is a big one, and it's the most tragic one. I've felt ever since the election that the powers-that-be have decided to basically punish the people at large for daring to attempt to embrace populism, and I'm betting long term that will be what leads to their downfall.
Long term. This isn't happening fast.
Nah, it'll accelerate once hard balkanization occurs. Soft Balkanization is already occurring. At least I'm in the right place for that inevitability.