I highly doubt that would even be true. Women accrue more debt, definitely, and they do it in fields that earn way less money, and then they don't even stay in the work force for long, but... what they do to make up for all that is marry a man. Who then pays her debt for her, because all the decisions he made in life were made with the knowledge that he'd actually be expected to pay for himself, not just marry someone who could. So when you look at who actually PAYS the debt, it's men.
But on the other hand, none of that would actually stop that headline from being written.
Right, but if there are fewer men going into fields that require a college degree and are potentially higher-paying than the jobs the women would have, then that means that they won't be able to pay off the woman's debt as you note they have done in the past. I feel that this is part of the reason why they're pushing so hard for prior education debt forgiveness in addition to free college educations for all - no need to have the man pay back the money for their useless Women's Studies degree if they got it for free. What they don't figure into it is the devaluation of any other non-useless degrees in the process.
Personally, if I were giving advice to a young man who was about to hit college age, I'd suggest going into a skilled trade. Electrical, plumbing, HVAC, construction, what have you. Get an apprenticeship, learn to work that hustle and be your own boss, and you'll be out of debt and making real money by the time you hit 25.
I highly doubt that would even be true. Women accrue more debt, definitely, and they do it in fields that earn way less money, and then they don't even stay in the work force for long, but... what they do to make up for all that is marry a man. Who then pays her debt for her, because all the decisions he made in life were made with the knowledge that he'd actually be expected to pay for himself, not just marry someone who could. So when you look at who actually PAYS the debt, it's men.
But on the other hand, none of that would actually stop that headline from being written.
Right, but if there are fewer men going into fields that require a college degree and are potentially higher-paying than the jobs the women would have, then that means that they won't be able to pay off the woman's debt as you note they have done in the past. I feel that this is part of the reason why they're pushing so hard for prior education debt forgiveness in addition to free college educations for all - no need to have the man pay back the money for their useless Women's Studies degree if they got it for free. What they don't figure into it is the devaluation of any other non-useless degrees in the process.
Personally, if I were giving advice to a young man who was about to hit college age, I'd suggest going into a skilled trade. Electrical, plumbing, HVAC, construction, what have you. Get an apprenticeship, learn to work that hustle and be your own boss, and you'll be out of debt and making real money by the time you hit 25.