If it isn't, then what's going to happen is that the Capitol Police and DC Police will do everything in their power to arrest everyone.
The cops are literally going to break the law to arrest you, manufacture evidence, and use agent provocateurs... and that's just the first step.
The 2nd step is seize all of your property, including your cellphone, and use interrogations, to create a phishing expedition and map out the entire social network of literally everyone in the stupid part of the populist movement.
They are then going to use any evidence gained to to do one of two things;
ONE: They are going to arrest you and charge you with anything they can throw at the wall if you were around on January 6th (none of us here were because literally none of us thought anything would happen). They will try to throw terrorism charges at you, but they'll still hit you with 6 months in solitary confinement for a misdemeanor trespassing charge, while your public defender intentionally throws your case, and the judge tells you to kill yourself. Good luck appealing retard.
TWO: Agent John Smith and 35 other ATF and FBI agents are going to join your super cool kids patriot group, yo! CRT is wack, homie! Ben Shapiro is the voice of the people fellow patriot! But hey, me and Agent Steve Smith over at Super Patriot Obama Is Bad Viper Militia agreed that we should abduct Agent Bill Smith who is clearly a Narc! That will give the libtard a scare! You in homie? Let's save America for White Power!
No, but really, look at the statements coming from the defendants in the Whitmer case. The FBI infiltrated the organization, worked with other fully FBI run agencies, recruited FBI agents, put FBI agents in charge of the first group, were suggested by an FBI agent to take direct action against the governor, organized the entire operation by the FBI, had FBI provide vehicles and transportation, and the FBI scheduled the time of the "recon".
Literally, almost no one involved wasn't FBI agent.
I too have been watching in horror for the past two decades as the former world, and America, not so much be overtaken as disintegrated.
The takeover was incredibly successful: they attacked everything on every front non-stop for decades. Being a country hobbled psychologically by 9/11 was the perfect atmosphere to inject this sort of Invasive rot.
But as long as Americans made money, we could surely rebound as a united nation, right?
Then the economy tanked, now two heavy blows to the nation in less than a decade. This also had a shattering effect on the upcoming generation, the Millenials, whose first part of the story was being raised in the best part of American history and now have spent their adulthood getting pummled from one crisis to the next so that we're now the largest working force but hold almost no wealth ourselves. Now heading into middle age, we're mostly abject failures due to having lived in a future nobody anticipated and abandoned by the Boomers, who kicked the rungs out and hoarded the wealth for themselves.
So where do we build now that our landscape has been decimated? Their scorched earth policy left nothing to rebuild that we will recognize. Where is our new world?
Let's say this isn't a glow in the dark rally.
If it isn't, then what's going to happen is that the Capitol Police and DC Police will do everything in their power to arrest everyone.
The cops are literally going to break the law to arrest you, manufacture evidence, and use agent provocateurs... and that's just the first step.
The 2nd step is seize all of your property, including your cellphone, and use interrogations, to create a phishing expedition and map out the entire social network of literally everyone in the stupid part of the populist movement.
They are then going to use any evidence gained to to do one of two things;
ONE: They are going to arrest you and charge you with anything they can throw at the wall if you were around on January 6th (none of us here were because literally none of us thought anything would happen). They will try to throw terrorism charges at you, but they'll still hit you with 6 months in solitary confinement for a misdemeanor trespassing charge, while your public defender intentionally throws your case, and the judge tells you to kill yourself. Good luck appealing retard.
TWO: Agent John Smith and 35 other ATF and FBI agents are going to join your super cool kids patriot group, yo! CRT is wack, homie! Ben Shapiro is the voice of the people fellow patriot! But hey, me and Agent Steve Smith over at Super Patriot Obama Is Bad Viper Militia agreed that we should abduct Agent Bill Smith who is clearly a Narc! That will give the libtard a scare! You in homie? Let's save America for White Power!
No, but really, look at the statements coming from the defendants in the Whitmer case. The FBI infiltrated the organization, worked with other fully FBI run agencies, recruited FBI agents, put FBI agents in charge of the first group, were suggested by an FBI agent to take direct action against the governor, organized the entire operation by the FBI, had FBI provide vehicles and transportation, and the FBI scheduled the time of the "recon".
Literally, almost no one involved wasn't FBI agent.
After 40+ years of retreat on all cultural fronts in my lifetime there aren't many hills left to retreat to anymore...
Then maybe its time to advance.
Advance to where?
I too have been watching in horror for the past two decades as the former world, and America, not so much be overtaken as disintegrated.
The takeover was incredibly successful: they attacked everything on every front non-stop for decades. Being a country hobbled psychologically by 9/11 was the perfect atmosphere to inject this sort of Invasive rot.
But as long as Americans made money, we could surely rebound as a united nation, right?
Then the economy tanked, now two heavy blows to the nation in less than a decade. This also had a shattering effect on the upcoming generation, the Millenials, whose first part of the story was being raised in the best part of American history and now have spent their adulthood getting pummled from one crisis to the next so that we're now the largest working force but hold almost no wealth ourselves. Now heading into middle age, we're mostly abject failures due to having lived in a future nobody anticipated and abandoned by the Boomers, who kicked the rungs out and hoarded the wealth for themselves.
So where do we build now that our landscape has been decimated? Their scorched earth policy left nothing to rebuild that we will recognize. Where is our new world?