Title in the URL: "biden-criticizes-texas-harsh-new-abortion-law-vows-defend-abortion"
Original title of the article: "Biden criticizes Texas' draconian new abortion law, vows to defend abortion rights"
New title of the article: "Biden criticizes Texas' severe new abortion law, vows to defend abortion rights"
They're fucking obsessed with getting the narrative right.
All abortions should have a psychological check along with a criminal background check, along with everyone in your family too. Former or current boyfriends, girlfriends or spouses should sign papers agreeing with the abortion. An 8 month "cooling off" period is required. Also only 1 abortion per man or woman per decade, just how many abortions do you need? 🙄
These 'common sense' abortion laws don't prohibit you from getting one, they just make sure the "wrong people" don't have access.