Don't forget the part where Pfizer deliberately sabotaged their own long-term safety and efficacy study by distributing the injection to the control group the day after receiving Emergency Use Authorization.
Indeed! Which also should have set off huge alarm bells for anyone following the plot.
But let's be real here, for people shilling for the vax, they fall into two very distinct categories:
One group is engrossed in consumerism. They believe anything the glowing screen that they worship tells them to believe. They've been living their life with a steady diet of panic-porn and ignorance.
The other group are the ones for whom it's purely ideological/political. These people are also mindless consumers and share many similarities to the first, but their primary concern is fitting in with common consensus of their echo chambers and always taking the position that's the exact opposite of those they view as their "enemies." Make no mistake, if for some reason those who they oppose were pro-vaxx, they would most certainly take the opposite position because they're complete retards and fanatics.
That's what fanaticism and people who have extremely flexible principles do for political expediency.
\Like i said, their main objective is to feel like they fit in socially; to seek validation from strangers because they're insecure and can't validate themselves.
They're not the brightest bunch.
You know how when we were growing up people always asked: "How did the people just go along with what the Nazi's were doing?"
Well, now you have a front row seat to the answer. Ideological obsession is a scary thing.
Don't forget the part where Pfizer deliberately sabotaged their own long-term safety and efficacy study by distributing the injection to the control group the day after receiving Emergency Use Authorization.
Indeed! Which also should have set off huge alarm bells for anyone following the plot.
But let's be real here, for people shilling for the vax, they fall into two very distinct categories:
One group is engrossed in consumerism. They believe anything the glowing screen that they worship tells them to believe. They've been living their life with a steady diet of panic-porn and ignorance.
The other group are the ones for whom it's purely ideological/political. These people are also mindless consumers and share many similarities to the first, but their primary concern is fitting in with common consensus of their echo chambers and always taking the position that's the exact opposite of those they view as their "enemies." Make no mistake, if for some reason those who they oppose were pro-vaxx, they would most certainly take the opposite position because they're complete retards and fanatics.
To help illustrate my point, check the collage I just made real quick:
That's what fanaticism and people who have extremely flexible principles do for political expediency.
\Like i said, their main objective is to feel like they fit in socially; to seek validation from strangers because they're insecure and can't validate themselves.
They're not the brightest bunch.
You know how when we were growing up people always asked: "How did the people just go along with what the Nazi's were doing?"
Well, now you have a front row seat to the answer. Ideological obsession is a scary thing.