Sports games are literally the worst when it comes to predatory industry bullshit like microtransactions, ad abuse, dlc abuse, and rehashes, and yet the retarded sports game fans keep eating that garbage up.
They are nothing but cucks who have contributed to the degradation of the gaming industry by refusing to boycott shitty business practices.
I've been to different sorts of sports all over the place, multiple countries, high level, low level, etc. It's one of the things I like to do to kill time at night when I travel as it's different, not usually touristy, and I'm 0% into all the "nightlife" stuff.
NFL is far and away the worst experience I've been to. I think I've been in two or three cities. It's mind boggingly expensive, the game is horrible to watch live (if at all), the fan experience is usually bad, and there's constant advertising like you said too.
I actually enjoy mid-level stuff and things outside the realm of "superstar" popularity the most. I think about anyone could find a way to have fun at a Czech hockey game and they are dirt cheap to boot.
Oh yeah, advertising is a thing everywhere unfortunately.