It was stupid when Tsunamis happened and then some lunatic said it was some black girl slave revenge and it is stupid now that Hurricane is happening and some lunatic says it is some god revenge.
Logical level headed consistency in every situation, even when it doesn't benefit us, or go home.
It was stupid when Tsunamis happened and then some lunatic said it was some black girl slave revenge and it is stupid now that Hurricane is happening and some lunatic says it is some god revenge.
Logical level headed consistency in every situation, even when it doesn't benefit us, or go home.
It's a fucking joke. I'm an atheist. If you can't see this, fuck off back to your pill box and stay sedated and away from the internet.
You fit the joke to audience you fucking amateur.
The audience besides your retarded ass gets the joke here, which is you.
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You probably don't want me to remove the word retard from our vernacular.
It's not really severe enough to warrant that. But you guys should probably calm down a bit.
No it isn't.