Not to exaggerate, and sure, some of this is probably depression-related, but I find everything that is happening, lately, to just be... Exhausting.
Particularly the "coof" shit. Australia, where I live, is ground zero for quite literally the most oppressive approach in any supposedly "democratic" country (yes, some parts of the US are more restrictive in some ways, and yes, Ardernistan exists, but, overall, I'm sorry, but I would have to say we are worse), and it is just... EVERYWHERE.
Like, I try to get offline, I really do, but I am not kidding when I say it is everywhere, here. The TV (idiot box), of course, is utterly saturated with it. The newspapers are, naturally, too. When I leave the house, pretty much to do anything, now, I have to "check in" on my fucking smart phone, even just to buy bread, or I am literally breaking the law. This is all anyone talks about now (well, this and Afghanistan). This DOMINATES our fucking lives.
And I can't travel anywhere. Hell, I can barely even go interstate. The prevailing attitude in this country has always been "love it or leave", but now we can't even fucking LEAVE...
So... I'm just so very tired. "Get off the internet" isn't working. "Talk to someone, then"...
Oh sure, let me go talk to my doomer parents, then, who are so brainwashed by the news and their own agendas that they literally regurgitate it all word for word, and then yell me down when I try to literally SHOW them it is wrong. Or how about my girlfriend, who is so depressed, and so anxious, now, that she barely goes out except to work and to walk her dog (much like me), let alone bearing in mind that we live hundreds of miles apart, anyway... Or maybe my grandfather. Oh wait, I can't, because I'm not even allowed to visit him in his nursing home, because, get this, I haven't had the fucking FLU vaccination yet. Not Covid. The flu. Because they fucking can...
So yeah, I'm sorry, I just... I hope y'all are doing better than me, in your "righteous anger", because personally, after having learned that my country is fucking shooting rescue dogs (see the post yesterday), and laughing that "Haha, this is because of Covid", I'm just... Beyond exhausted by it all. And I'm not sure how much longer I can keep living like that, let alone all the other clown world bullshit that is going on, around, and in some cases allegedly unrelated to, the sniffles... :-(
I'll see how long anger can keep someone alive, soon, I suppose. Because there's not much else that burns me enough to keep the overwhelming sadness and sheer frustration at bay...
Look I hear you...I live in this damn country too and I know how exhausting this shit is. I really do. I've seen this shit slowly evolve and grow like cancer since 2014 before the pandemic and I know how tiring it really is.
Honestly, once it gets to the point where I know its getting to be too much...I just simply disconnect...reading has really been my go to lately for disconnecting. Find a book that isn't gonna patronize you with its politics and just read for a while. Tune out. Focusing in on this shit daily is a poor recipe for the mind so try and find something to escape with. Easier said than done at times, I know...but that's been the advice given to me through therapy after my suicide attempt.
Find something to take your mind off it just laying on the bed listening to some music, laying on your bed reading a book, walking outside (as far as you can go these days at least)
Just anything to take your mind off the grind.
I understand about the talking to parents thing....I love my parents but they live and die by the propaganda fed to them that talking to them is just maddening. I try not to talk to them about this shit to be honest, because it's just too depressing to argue with them about it. Let's just say I'm very much for freedom protest and they are very much "lock 'em down and don't let them leave"...I love my parents but they're not gonna challenge anything told to them by the precious media and government cronies.
I know it is maddening. I just want to get out and see my friends. My best friend had her first kid last year and I still haven't met her thanks to this shit. I miss the fuck out of my friends. But can't go anywhere.
I have a leg ulcer and will admit I am obese...I went to my vascular surgeon for first consultation...their answer was a very blunt "lose weight." To which I answered "well, gee I would like to lose the excess weight I've put on but oh yeah! We can't go anywhere! Can't go to a fucking gym! Can't go out past 5km from your home! Gee easier said than done."
That consultation didn't go well needless to say...but it's have all these boomers giving you all this shit advice that you can't do because they've locked down the fucking country. "Go to a gym?" That cost money I don't have...I'm making enough to keep me alive but I don't have enough to go out to the gym because I lost my part time job that offered spare income thanks to this shit!
It's very fucking maddening...and I understand how maddening it can be being dialed into this shit. So my only advice is to find something to escape with. Be it a book, game, anything. Just switch off every now and then if you can.
I know, easier said than done...unfortunately...but it does least for me it does.
All you have to do to lose weight is fast. It’s that simple. Don’t eat Friday-Sunday. You will lose weight FAST.
Fasting is really good if you have the mental discipline. Look up autophagy.
Autophagy is why I fast. I’m already less than 12% body fat percentage so I don’t need to loose weight.
What's autophagy?
That’s why I do it