Now I’m seeing them make a huge deal over some conservative talk show host who died of Covid (well according to the report he died of Covid). And of course before he told his followers to get vaccinated.
Now it’s sad that he died but it’s important you know your own health. I wear a mask if I go somewhere that requires it but call me cynics, but I think we are all gonna get Covid or already have. The best thing I can do is get in better shape and take my vitamins and minerals (especially zinc).
I guarantee you there are many more people who were hysterical that ended up with zero or mild symptoms but they love to breathlessly report these scenarios
They are all nuts. I think most are afraid and just won't admit it.
I have a ton of stories from people I know personally (not just online) who had Covid, including myself. The only ones that were bad were 60+ with existing medical conditions and an unhealthy lifestyle. Every single other example, it was no worse than an average cold.
But but let’s extremely focus on the less than 1%!!!
Same way the media created the #StopAsianHate epidemic. Whatever happened with that anyway?
Darkies happened