I'm not just talking about where I am (Australia, as most of you already know, by now), either... Some of the stuff I hear coming out of the US is actually worse (mandates to even attend University, for example... That isn't legal here, yet...), and you guys are all about your "freedom", or so you claim, at least...
But it seems to be pretty much everywhere. Chile - mandates for everything, and masks everywhere. Peru - gender-based curfews. The UK - PCR tests to even fucking travel. Canada - increasingly awful mandates and restrictions. France, Italy, Germany - vaccine passports and masks. Japan - separating children and mothers, and forcibly quarantining them separately...
And you already know about China, and South Africa, and New Zealand, Australia, and of course the US, so I don't feel the need to go over all those shitholes again.
What scares me, though, is the COMPLETE LACK OF ACTUAL RESISTANCE to all of this, except for France, Germany and the UK, and even then it has achieved fuck all...
Seriously, I'm not advocating violence, I'm honestly not, but if people don't, and won't, stand up now... How the fuck are we going to avoid full global fascism, a la 1984..?!
I never thought people would be this fucking weak, or utterly, utterly... Worse than cowardly. I'm not sure "coward" accurately describes someone who snitches on their neighbours, or their family, or "reports" people to the authorities for posting old travel snaps (yeah, that happened here, last year). I'm not sure it applies to someone who LITERALLY WANTS PEOPLE LIKE ME DEAD, because I'm not willing to get the fucking AstraZeneca jab. Nah, I don't think "coward" cuts it. I'm not quite sure what does. Fascist? Bastard? Literal scum of the earth? How the FUCK did society fall like this, so quick, nevermind all the other insane bullshit going on right now, all over the place..?
I'm going to slightly hijack my own post here to address something I've just seen:
You know how I posted that Forbes article, last week, saying "You should not do your own research when it comes to science". And at the same time, you know how other people have posted about the nurses is Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and elsewhere who lied about overwhelmed hospitals, the unvaccinated, etc..?
Well, In Australia we have a couple of tabloid style "current affairs" shows that screen around the 6:30 - 7:30 PM time slot. Like 60 Minutes, which we also have. On one those shows, right now, THEY ARE LITERALLY INTERVIEWING THOSE NURSES, from your country, who are TELLING the audience not to do any sort of scientific research, and to only trust "scholarly journals", not what they themselves can find on the internet, because it's "dangerous", and unvaccinated PEOPLE LIKE YOU are killing their children...
So that's where we are at now, peak fearmongering and brainwashing, where YOUR (for the Americans in the room) lying nurses from the supposedly "Deep South are telling Australians NOT TO DO OUR OWN RESEARCH...
Like, I'm sorry, but I can't emphasize this enough - in less than a year, we have somehow gone from "Trust the science" to "Ignore the science, because it's not convenient. Listen to my emotional pleas instead."
This is an information war. It's 1984. But instead of Big Brother being a moustachioed fascist, he comes wrapped up in the form of "34 year old mother of three, and emergency nurse, who was originally reluctant to get vaccinate, but NOW understands just how important it is to 'do her civic duty'"...
Fuck it. This comes at the same time as NSW, over here, has just announced that "single people who live alone" will need to register with the state, so that if they are found to be associating with LITERALLY ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING, they can then be fined. And people will willingly submit to that. Because of course they will, and because the media tells them to.
So yeah, I think this is it. This is, for me, the breaking point. There's very little I can do, of course, but if this isn't a declaration of martial law, umm, I'm honestly not sure what is...
I'm from the deep South and our local hospital has smart billboards all over town boasting of 5 minute ER wait times. Just another little data point.