Pretty recent news so I figured I'd share it here. Battletech youtuber Tex (of Tex Talks Battletech) was invited to talk about Battletech on Arch's channel.
Arch is a 40k lore youtuber and so-called Nazi fascist according to GW's contingent of leftist fans.
The leftists get wind of this video and start harassing Tex over this to the point he felt compelled to write an apology post.
You can see discussion over his appearance on Twitter but in the few minutes I searched I couldn't find any egregious examples. Probably just not looking in the right places because I'm not involved in Battletech or 40k.
Tex isn't pozzed but he's completely apolitical so he was completely blindsided by the "Warhammer is for everyone" crowd
Anyone who gets Tex angry deserves to be shot repeatedly with a Heavy Gauss Rifle at point blank range. Despite (or maybe because of) being a whisky soaked gun nut, his Battletech lore videos are absolutely amazing quality. Seriously, check out his videos if you have any interest in giant murder machines.
Also, I just find Tex to be one of the most wholesome youtubers out there, and seeing the nutjob mob come after someone who seems like a genuinely nice, caring guy is even more disgusting than usual.
On the plus side, he does seem smart enough to realize that trying to appease the mob is pointless. In the response to this on his Patreon he ended it essentially by saying "If you're upset, then just get up and leave quietly. If you want to stay around and keep supporting, thanks."