By Sargon of Akkad - Carl Benjamin former member of the Eurosceptic right-wing UK Independence Party (UKIP). OUTSTANDING politically based review of the movie in depth, with frequent references to the book.
I believe that ST is easily available as an e-book.
By Sargon of Akkad - Carl Benjamin former member of the Eurosceptic right-wing UK Independence Party (UKIP). OUTSTANDING politically based review of the movie in depth, with frequent references to the book.
I believe that ST is easily available as an e-book.
Recommend everyone who hasn't read the book to do so before watching Sargo's review of the movie
Only if they commit to re-reading the book after watching Sargon of Akkad’s review. It is very insightful.
I had always disparaged the movie as a cartoon but Carl Benjamin makes it much more valuable.