posted ago by TheModernDaVinci ago by TheModernDaVinci +25 / -0

Link to the actual poll

So starting with the obvious one that is unrelated to the issue, we get a good look at how they stack the deck with these polls. The sample is divided into 49% Dem, 29% Independent, 21% Rep. Now with that out of the way.

Republicans and Independents were overwhelmingly in favor of him stepping down (77% R, 72% I), while Dems are only just barely in favor (52% D). Dems were also significantly more likely to think he had done nothing wrong at all (11% vs 4% R and I). Additionally, those living in NYC were the least likely to think he had done anything illegal and the least likely to think he should step down. Although strangely, those in NYC were the most in favor of impeaching him if he didnt step down.

Another strange one, for all we have been told about #MeToo and "Female Intersectionality" or whatever bullshit, Women were apparently much less likely to be in favor of Cuomo stepping down than Men (64% M vs. 55% W).

They didnt give an actual further breakdown of the racial divide on this issue, but apparently "non-whites" (whatever the hell that means here) dont really care, because they are one of the only groups that is under 50%, and significantly less than whites (67% White vs. 49% Non-White, though with Non-White it is still a plurality).

Yes yes, "Dems and their double standards" and all that, but I thought it was a little interesting to look at the numbers, and see just how hopelessly out of touch the Dems really are, as well as how much they crave the power, with your own eyes. Also, seeing how it really shows how heavy the polls can be stacked.