It just seems that our side is unwilling to play the same game, because they're either too scared of their wrath, or they were always owned by the opposition like Boris "Matriarchy's Puppet" Johnson.
If I ever get called back home for family reasons, I will do this. Full scorched earth. I won't get to come back thanks to women's vaccine pushing, so why not ruin a few of them on my way out.
That already happens.
It just seems that our side is unwilling to play the same game, because they're either too scared of their wrath, or they were always owned by the opposition like Boris "Matriarchy's Puppet" Johnson.
#metoo every attractive woman you see before they #metoo you
If I ever get called back home for family reasons, I will do this. Full scorched earth. I won't get to come back thanks to women's vaccine pushing, so why not ruin a few of them on my way out.