I think the tl;dr is Scotland and UK don't have free speech and never have. They pay lip service to some sort of European right to it, but it's never been close to absolute. If they make a law against saying something, you can't say it. There's no affirmative defense on the grounds of Euro rights.
Well I interpreted some. He revealed some information that could be used to identify a sex accuser -- an accuser of someone in the government. I don't have any other links. This is all I've heard of it.
I think the tl;dr is Scotland and UK don't have free speech and never have. They pay lip service to some sort of European right to it, but it's never been close to absolute. If they make a law against saying something, you can't say it. There's no affirmative defense on the grounds of Euro rights.
Well I interpreted some. He revealed some information that could be used to identify a sex accuser -- an accuser of someone in the government. I don't have any other links. This is all I've heard of it.