It is in fact very true. I have a book here sitting on my desk titled "Germany and the Jewish Question" by Dr. Friederich Karl Wiehe. Published in 1938.
It is a very well sourced book. Half the book almost is sources. The author says the same thing:
"A veritable storm flood of Jewish immoral literature, obscene films and plays then broke over Germany. Cinemas and theaters have been exhaustively dealt with (reference to how he discussed these topics earlier in the book). It remains to be said that in literature all authors of obscene works were Jews in every case.
Among the hundreds of thousands of books confiscated by the National Socialists in 1933 very familiar names repeatedly cropped up. Together with publishing firms such as Benjamin Harz, Richard Jacobsthal, Leon Hirsch, M. Jacobsohn or Jacobsthal & Co. mention must be made of the publishers of Kulturforschung ("Cultural Research"), a Vienna firm whose production was sufficient to fill many libraries.
The titles speak for themselves. Sittengenschichte des Lasters ("The Moral Story of Depravity"), Sittengeschichte der Schamlosigkeit ("The Moral Story of Profligacy"), Bilderlexikon der Eorik ("Illustrated Lexicon of Eroticism"), Sittengeschichte des Geheimen und Verbotenen ("The Moral Story of Secret and Forbidden Things", etc. etc."
Worth nothin that the photo in the top is used in this book. The book describes the top photo as thus: "Students of the Deutsche Studentenschaft parade in front of Hirschfeld's "Institute for Sexual Research" in Berlin on May 6, 1933. The infamous "book burning" which took place four days later, was mainly comprised of books seized from the library at Hirschfeld's building."
Interesting if it is true.
They always tell you that the Nazis burned books but they never tell you which ones.
All sorts.
You might be confused like "okay, why White Fang?" but it was just everything Jack London.
And for anyone wondering, this should answer why.
It is in fact very true. I have a book here sitting on my desk titled "Germany and the Jewish Question" by Dr. Friederich Karl Wiehe. Published in 1938.
It is a very well sourced book. Half the book almost is sources. The author says the same thing:
Worth nothin that the photo in the top is used in this book. The book describes the top photo as thus: "Students of the Deutsche Studentenschaft parade in front of Hirschfeld's "Institute for Sexual Research" in Berlin on May 6, 1933. The infamous "book burning" which took place four days later, was mainly comprised of books seized from the library at Hirschfeld's building."