But of course the ancient Egyptians bare no resemblance whatsoever to what people think of as Africans. Ancient Egypt was even less black than it is today, and even today Egyptians aren't black.
So again, it's double speak.
They get to hum to themselves that they are techniaclly right, while blatantly they're trying to gaslight to make black Africans look less useless. Literal We Wuz Kangz propaganda.
It looks like the earliest recorded use is Egyptian, though it's far from sure since we don't know how to accuratly translate from ancient Egyptian.
But of course the ancient Egyptians bare no resemblance whatsoever to what people think of as Africans. Ancient Egypt was even less black than it is today, and even today Egyptians aren't black.
So again, it's double speak.
They get to hum to themselves that they are techniaclly right, while blatantly they're trying to gaslight to make black Africans look less useless. Literal We Wuz Kangz propaganda.
Technically true but completely misleading, which of course is a classic leftist tactic. It’s like calling Elon Musk an African American.