That certain women would live out their pedo fantasies?
They opposed sex ed because it threatened their failing and heavily propped up marriage institution. If young adults knew they could have sex safely without pregnancy, the tradcon sex before marriage ploy wouldn't work.
I'm still shocked women didn't realize their meal ticket was slipping away.
Less and less soft targets existing, hence the massive drive to take over society quickly.
Yet another thing the Christians were right about 30 years ago when sex ed entered the public school curriculum.
That certain women would live out their pedo fantasies?
They opposed sex ed because it threatened their failing and heavily propped up marriage institution. If young adults knew they could have sex safely without pregnancy, the tradcon sex before marriage ploy wouldn't work.
I'm still shocked women didn't realize their meal ticket was slipping away.
Less and less soft targets existing, hence the massive drive to take over society quickly.
It's really quite sad that you felt the need to make a third account. Or is this your main?