Unless you're talking about designer stuff, I'm not sure it matters that much. With the well-known brand you might get better support, or are less likely to get factory-rejects, but it's still coming from the same factory. The factories just stole most of their products from the name brands they contracted with and decided to undercut them without paying the license fees. So you're helping a multinational or American company that sold out American workers long ago (not entirely their fault) by supporting them and giving them their cut, but you're still paying the same Chinese factory boss. The same applies if you think you can trust well-known German / European brands. The Chinese have been buying and merging with those companies for years. Buy American Made in America if you can. If you have a company, don't license to Chinese manufacturers.
Besides designer brands another exception is some well known Japanese brands that still insist on quality standards and local manufacturing, or at least they do manufacturing in Malaysia. They dislike China even more than us.
Unless you're talking about designer stuff, I'm not sure it matters that much. With the well-known brand you might get better support, or are less likely to get factory-rejects, but it's still coming from the same factory. The factories just stole most of their products from the name brands they contracted with and decided to undercut them without paying the license fees. So you're helping a multinational or American company that sold out American workers long ago (not entirely their fault) by supporting them and giving them their cut, but you're still paying the same Chinese factory boss. The same applies if you think you can trust well-known German / European brands. The Chinese have been buying and merging with those companies for years. Buy American Made in America if you can. If you have a company, don't license to Chinese manufacturers.
Besides designer brands another exception is some well known Japanese brands that still insist on quality standards and local manufacturing, or at least they do manufacturing in Malaysia. They dislike China even more than us.