Meanwhile, my home state of Kansas gets nearly 50% of its grid power from wind, and we never have had any problems with connections (excluding extreme weather, 'natch) and energy prices are low. This despite most of us in these parts having hostility toward the Global Warming "The earth is dying in 5 minutes!!!" rhetoric.
Meanwhile, my home state of Kansas gets nearly 50% of its grid power from wind, and we never have had any problems with connections (excluding extreme weather, 'natch) and energy prices are low. This despite most of us in these parts having hostility toward the Global Warming "The earth is dying in 5 minutes!!!" rhetoric.
Almost like actions are more useful than words.
It helps when your state is flatter than a pancake and has no trees.
Or is that Nebraska.
I can't tell the difference you're all rectangles.
How dare you! I have never seen such a disgusting display of regionism in my life, you regionist!