Abstinent or monogamous gay guys have little tile left to distanciate themselves from the rotting pile of degeneracy that is the LGBTAIP+BBQ "community".
Don't touch that shit with a ten feet pole. Do not ghettoize or associate with the sex pests drawn to sais ghettos "because dating and relating is easier".
Make friends with normal people an integrate with people in your town instead. If there is a backlash before the collapse of your Western nation, you will need acceptance from normal people. Not from the fucking STDs-filled tumor the backlash is trying to excise.
Abstinent or monogamous gay guys have little tile left to distanciate themselves from the rotting pile of degeneracy that is the LGBTAIP+BBQ "community".
Don't touch that shit with a ten feet pole. Do not ghettoize or associate with the sex pests drawn to sais ghettos "because dating and relating is easier".
Make friends with normal people an integrate with people in your town instead. If there is a backlash before the collapse of your Western nation, you will need acceptance from normal people. Not from the fucking STDs-filled tumor the backlash is trying to excise.
Please do not add BBQ to that, feels so wrong.
i like the lgtvbbq+ that the kids started using.