"with; together" implies comprehension out of source perception; which represents the input "before; in front of" for the processed comprehension, and "grasp" implies comprehension representing ONEs potential to ALL potentiality perceived.
Information aka the source of all action...energy. ALL information (potentiality) allows the ONEs (potential) within to transmute out of; hence each ONE potential representing a growth potential (seed) of ALL potentiality.
"across, beyond, through" were suggested later to promote the inversion (creation). Transmutation implies "out of base" aka ALL; while creation implies out of nothing. Change implies from one state into another aka from flow to form; ongoing potentiality to temporary potential.
"with; together" implies comprehension out of source perception; which represents the input "before; in front of" for the processed comprehension, and "grasp" implies comprehension representing ONEs potential to ALL potentiality perceived.
SOURCE, noun (From Latin surgere "to spring up or forth")
Information aka the source of all action...energy. ALL information (potentiality) allows the ONEs (potential) within to transmute out of; hence each ONE potential representing a growth potential (seed) of ALL potentiality.
TRANSMUTE, verb (From Latin trāns-t "across, beyond, through" + mūtāre "to change")
"across, beyond, through" were suggested later to promote the inversion (creation). Transmutation implies "out of base" aka ALL; while creation implies out of nothing. Change implies from one state into another aka from flow to form; ongoing potentiality to temporary potential.