Factorio dev didn't kneel and won
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looks like im finally coughing up the cash to buy the game
I downloaded the free demo yesterday and after about 30 minutes I realized the game just isn't for me. But I can see that it's well done and I understand why it appeals to so many people.
I played it for a couple of hours...but it eventually began to feel like a chore. I also got tired of Minecraft and most recently Valheim before long. It's a shame because people seem to have so much fun playing, but everyone is different.
Kudos to the developers all the same and I hope they have continued success. Trying to break into the gaming industry is HARD, and for every mega-blockbuster there are thousands of milquetoast titles; including amazingly fun ones that just never caught on.
It starts out as a chore but it eventually turns into an interesting almost puzzle like game IMO. I have to use a 'headstart' mod (start with some resources and buildings to quickly get basic production going) if a start a new game because the beginning is just kinda tedious.