Exactly...nature does not speak to communicate itself; as flow it communicates inspiration to our senses by moving form. Branding form within flow through words represents the choice of ignorance of form towards flow. That choice of ignorance is being racketeered by the few to control the many through suggestions in exchange for consent by free will of choice towards ignorance.
In short...forms suggests speech in the name of flow aka a secondary source of information (form) to the primary source of inspiration (flow). Form allegories flow as word based definitions suggested to other form...idolatry aka the exploitation of offer/consent under natural law (as defined by flow upon form).
INSPIRATION, noun (from Latin inspīrāre to breathe upon or into)
From flow into form; from motion into momentum; from ALL into ONE. Using implication (if/then) allows you to comprehend that if "upon/into"; then "from/out of"
Also; SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.] aka adaptation to flow (by implied form).
ALLEGORY, noun (from Greek allēgoría, derivative of allēgoreîn “to speak so as to imply something else”)
Exactly...nature does not speak to communicate itself; as flow it communicates inspiration to our senses by moving form. Branding form within flow through words represents the choice of ignorance of form towards flow. That choice of ignorance is being racketeered by the few to control the many through suggestions in exchange for consent by free will of choice towards ignorance.
In short...forms suggests speech in the name of flow aka a secondary source of information (form) to the primary source of inspiration (flow). Form allegories flow as word based definitions suggested to other form...idolatry aka the exploitation of offer/consent under natural law (as defined by flow upon form).
INSPIRATION, noun (from Latin inspīrāre to breathe upon or into)
From flow into form; from motion into momentum; from ALL into ONE. Using implication (if/then) allows you to comprehend that if "upon/into"; then "from/out of"
Also; SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.] aka adaptation to flow (by implied form).
IMPLICATION, noun (from Latin implicātus “to interweave”)