I’m not talking about self-esteem relating to success.
How on earth do you think OnlyFans became acceptable? Because women spent decades mentally warping boys into the perfect human ATMs by telling them they aren’t worth anything.
There’s been porn for decades, yet only after women had full control of culture did this happen. Even OnlyFans itself has been around for years before they took it over.
That’s what I meant. They effectively built the perfect exploitation targets by brainwashing them since birth.
I’m not talking about self-esteem relating to success.
How on earth do you think OnlyFans became acceptable? Because women spent decades mentally warping boys into the perfect human ATMs by telling them they aren’t worth anything.
There’s been porn for decades, yet only after women had full control of culture did this happen. Even OnlyFans itself has been around for years before they took it over.
That’s what I meant. They effectively built the perfect exploitation targets by brainwashing them since birth.
Where did you get that data?
Self reporting isn’t trustworthy.