I was talking with my step-brother (far-left tech IPO in NYC) the other day about cooking and something he mentioned caught me by surprise. He was talking about cooking and how this new channel had picked up a bunch of chefs who were racially discriminated against by Delish? and we’re getting paid far less than their peers. So they switched over and made their own program that had been doing well. The baseline of this is of course that is good because if they can do better elsewhere they should. However what struck me as odd is that the accused channel is far left, in fact it would be hard to find any large cooking channel that isn’t pro whatever wokeness is currently on display.
This discussion triggered a realization in the mentality of the far-left, their projection on who they view as lessers (conservatives) is not directed by the actions of conservatives but by the actions of who they consider similar. So if a far left supporting business is caught having rampant racism or sexism their immediate reaction is how much worse conservatives must be. This is amplified by the fact that liberals often do not understand why conservatives value what they value, they only understand what they are told they value by other liberals.
It's an interesting thought that makes sense. The left thinks about everything relative to some sort of social group: black people, white people, women, lesbians, trannies, etc. Splitting people up into groups and then picking out which ones are good and bad is really their entire platform. They want you to use these things as a factor when making decisions. Yes, I will go eat there because it's owned by a black person. I will buy that game because they virtue signaled for homos. I will vote for that leftist because they are a woman.
I think the right thinks in a lot more of a business sense. At least the people on the right not necessarily the politicians. Does this person have my interests at heart? Can they do a good job for me? Things like that. Their oppression group is a non-factor. If anything if it's becoming a factor it's because the left just won't shut the hell up about it.