To be clear, Jess Phillips' complaint appears to be that informing a woman about her status in regards to HPV is stressful, and that it's unfair that this burden - one that arises from cervical cancer screening - falls exclusively upon women.
Does she wish for men to be required to undertake cervical cancer screening?
Good call Sargon.
I wouldn’t fuck her either
To be clear, Jess Phillips' complaint appears to be that informing a woman about her status in regards to HPV is stressful, and that it's unfair that this burden - one that arises from cervical cancer screening - falls exclusively upon women.
Does she wish for men to be required to undertake cervical cancer screening?
From the way she looks, talks, acts, and just all around is, I think Jess should be given a prostate exam.
What is she distracting everyone from?