Calling a married dude a degenerate because consistently talks about whether he wants to fuck the guys in the OP is ID politics
But providing a screenshot of said manchild following you to other subs is just a claim even when he admits it
Yeah dude despite our whole conversation revolving around his infidelity it was clearly just him being gay. Lol definitely no bias from the bisexual dude who just happened to claim it was because he's gay and keeps whining that I dont support the LGBT so any negative interaction I have with homosexual is because they're homosexual.
You sound like the people who start screeching that people who don't like children having dongs in their faces at pride parades are homophobic and not just you know opposed to children being exposed to such things. Clearly being gay is the only reason anyone would get tired of a dude who constantly talks fucking other men while simultaneously complaining that his marriage isn't respected because he's gay
His comment must have been heterophobic since he kept talking about it being bad that I wouldn't post shit about wanting to fuck other women while in relationship because clearly the conversation was about sexual orientation
As shown by your constant sad potshots at me. You clearly have issues.
Not anyone. You specifically.
My potshots at you are specifically because you're clearly modding based on your biases from being lgbt yourself but you can keep pretending that you cant read or that I've ever tiptoed around calling out LGBT when I have a problem with something related to their homosexuality etc.
You're also once again admitting to assigning motives based on bias while whining that you dont do that.
Wait, are you literally having a conversation with a faggot?