Most real libertarians are "based", but the Libertarian party isn't the answer. It's controlled oppo filled with AnComs that just want legalized drugs.
Props to the state party seeing how terrible they did in the election trying to win over some converts, but they should be trying to take over the GOP.
The LP will be completely taken over by the Mises Caucus by the end of 2022. We can use it to spread the message of liberty and put electoral pressure on the Republicans to force them closer to defending liberty. Compare this to the Republican Party, which neutralized the Tea Party in less than 2 years, turning it from the Ron Paul Revolution into BoomerCon Paul Ryan BS.
Most real libertarians are "based", but the Libertarian party isn't the answer. It's controlled oppo filled with AnComs that just want legalized drugs.
Props to the state party seeing how terrible they did in the election trying to win over some converts, but they should be trying to take over the GOP.
The LP will be completely taken over by the Mises Caucus by the end of 2022. We can use it to spread the message of liberty and put electoral pressure on the Republicans to force them closer to defending liberty. Compare this to the Republican Party, which neutralized the Tea Party in less than 2 years, turning it from the Ron Paul Revolution into BoomerCon Paul Ryan BS.