Amusingly around here the government even gave nurses more time for TikTok by limiting the number of ICU beds they're allowed to service.
That's also one of the reasons why our government actively increased ICU occupancy, by forcing hospitals to DECREASE the number of ICU beds ... during a pandemic. That's how "bad" things were: they had to decrease the number of ICU beds to get the numbers up for their scaremongering.
And yet the staff always has time for a team TikTok dance.
Amusingly around here the government even gave nurses more time for TikTok by limiting the number of ICU beds they're allowed to service.
That's also one of the reasons why our government actively increased ICU occupancy, by forcing hospitals to DECREASE the number of ICU beds ... during a pandemic. That's how "bad" things were: they had to decrease the number of ICU beds to get the numbers up for their scaremongering.