Level A protective suits that have their own air supply and positive pressure in the event of accidental tearing it keeps the virus from infecting the wearer by expelling it via air pressure like a reverse vaccum. Typically used for extremely hazardous viruses and ones with no cure like Ebola, small pox, anthrax, MERs and SARS Covid viruses. Wu flu's full name is SARS Covid-2.
What's with those crazy suits? Don't they know a babushka over the face will protect them from deadly diseases?
Level A protective suits that have their own air supply and positive pressure in the event of accidental tearing it keeps the virus from infecting the wearer by expelling it via air pressure like a reverse vaccum. Typically used for extremely hazardous viruses and ones with no cure like Ebola, small pox, anthrax, MERs and SARS Covid viruses. Wu flu's full name is SARS Covid-2.