Ah yes. I've only been looking at this from the American perspective. I bet all these countries with socialized healthcare systems have absolutely loved all the new justification to write shit off. Bet they've saved billions.
Much like the USA, the biggest complaint of healthcare here is being being laid off for lack of work. Churn is high, but so is unemployment. Out of curiosity I approached a few medical industries and checked if they needed employees, and they all came back with a variant on "we're cutting back, not expanding".
Medical MEDIA is booming, but medical itself is finding all new ways to bring austerity measures.
Ah yes. I've only been looking at this from the American perspective. I bet all these countries with socialized healthcare systems have absolutely loved all the new justification to write shit off. Bet they've saved billions.
Much like the USA, the biggest complaint of healthcare here is being being laid off for lack of work. Churn is high, but so is unemployment. Out of curiosity I approached a few medical industries and checked if they needed employees, and they all came back with a variant on "we're cutting back, not expanding".
Medical MEDIA is booming, but medical itself is finding all new ways to bring austerity measures.