Living beings have hierarchical deference in their kernel
Needs and wants create the hierarchy of growth/corruption. The leadership principle is being called like that because "ship" represents ONE vessel within ALL motion; which implicates motion defining the rules for those within. The bees don't submit free will to the Queen; they collectively adhere to self sustenance; while protecting the source of it. Then there's the wolf-pack under the alpha who utilize free will of choice to a) put the collective sustenance under the most efficient individual; while b) always choose to keep challenging the alpha to maintain collective sustenance.
We were tricked to mimic both; while the inversion suggested us to believe in submission of free will to not just an unquestionable authority up top; but to a nonstop expanding hierarchy (corruption) of false authority underneath aka the chain of command...a pyramid scheme; a world wide caste system based on using beliefs for suggestion to gain consent to false authority; while ignoring sole authority over self (free will).
The Kernel of all existence is self sustenance, which for the ONEs within ALL represents the need to utilize free will of chocie to adhere to ALL; not to believe; submit; consent to another ONE offering ALL aka acting in the name of ALL (in nomine).
we don't have free will.
What made you respond? Peer pressure? Suggestion? Force? How many choices did you make between perceiving what was written; comprehending it; and acting upon it?
Ask yourself why all religions demand belief; faith; submission; agreement; consent etc. from each ONE within ALL? Because natural law (as defined by motion) demands adaptation by choice of action.
If you want
Want or need...who makes the choices between inception and death for each action?
a problem of metaphysics
METAPHYS'ICS, noun (Gr. after, and physics). That's where we are (after physics); so let's question the origin. Energy represents ALL information (potentiality); motion the loss of it; which causes momentum within motion aka resistance to motion aka friction causing vibration; causing form to temporarily balance within the momentum (magnetic) of motion (electric).
The physics we perceive represent the consequences of actions set into motion; communicated by ALL as inspiration to ONEs senses. That's the origin; while "metaphysics" represents the inversion suggested to us that tricks us to consent to a conflict of reason about body vs mind; when both represent natural opposites in coexistence to each other; which allows the balance of "self" in-between.
What represents the self we can sustain during temporary life? Blood within the ongoing bloodline aka the accumulation of that which was; within that which is; with the free will of choice to set into motion that which will be aka the real past; present; future (time represents the inversion) within the ever changing moment within motion; and the real history (not his-story by ONEs own story written by ONEs choice of actions within ALL).
propositional logic.
PROPOSI'TION, noun s as z. [Latin propositio, from propositus, propono.] - "that which is proposed; that which is offered for consideration, acceptance or adoption; a proposal; offer of terms". This represents ALL offering inspiration to ONEs senses (perception).
LOG'IC, noun [Latin id; Gr. from reason, to speak.]. That represents ONEs choice of ignorance towards ALL (reality) for the offered belief (fiction) of another ONE, which then causes the conflict of reason (believe in truth versus false).
Nature does not offer false; and motion does not offer affixed truth either; because motion represents constant change. The only thing that cannot change are the rules that define how motion operates (the laws of nature), which each ONE needs to mentally comprehend (gaining self discernment) so that he get build his physical assumptions within motion on a foundation of comprehension.
Reality isn't about building something; but about the act of building as a need for the maintenance of self aka constant adaptation to inspiration. This is also why our parasites are known to not be creators; only alleged destroyers; but what they're really doing is exploiting ignorance of motion; while suggestion the created within to those who created it; as to attach them to it (temptation of want); while flushing them down the flow of motion(loss); which corrupts and destroys all creation set into it. They call this energy harvesting.
OCCUR', verb intransitive [Latin occurro; ob and curro, to run.] See, an allegory for motion aka energy aka the source of ALL information. It's not creation of new; it's transmutation out of ALL that already is; and the natural opposites are defined by each others coexistence within the motion of ALL energy.
There's no 0 (off); it's always 1 (on aka ONE aka ALL).
Academic ONEism destroys +0- brain.
Academic means belonging to false authority; which implies ignoring sole authority over ONEself within ALL (free will of choice). It's consent to any offered -ism that corrupts ONE comprehension (potential) of ALL perceived (potentiality).
Until you can tear and burn
Until represents ignorance of that which is for that which might be. Tear and burn represents ignorance of the status quo within motion; which corrupts and destroys all set into it. Motion represents ongoing order; momentum represents temporary chaos. We represent chaos out of order; not the inversion.
Ignorance of ALL for belief in the want of more.
your educated brilliant brain
I grew up anti-authoritarian. My education (indoctrination) was about getting out as quick as possible, while burning as many bridges as possible.
EQUA'TOR, noun [Latin from oequo, to make equal.] The parasite inversion of equality at play...ALL is ONE in energy (that's the real equality) and motion self segregated ALL (potentiality) into individual ONEs (potential); which is why we are all different; which is needed as inspiration to get us to adhere to self sustenance; which would reunite the potential; based on individual adherence to self sustenance...only by ONEs free will of choice to adhere to ALL.
SO'LAR, adjective [Latin solaris, for sol, the sun.]
Heat accumulation through the velocity of motion meeting the resistance of momentum causing friction and vibration. And what need does heat create? Liquid cooling and in comes the self (blood).
AN'TIPODE, noun [Gr. opposite, and foot.] Allegory for the act of balancing by choice of action.
equal to nothing
Could you direct me to the inequality of nothingness for reference?
Offer meets consent by free will of choice. Each of us then either acts upon need (adaptation to inspiration) or on want (belief in information). The former represents adherence to self sustenance; the latter represents ignorance thereof in favor for a temptation.
Every word I typed was a choice I had to make.
No. "had to" refers to need. We don't need any words to communicate. These brands are restricting our senses to constantly adapt to what motion has to offer.
The words we type are in adherence to a want (temptation); a fictitious layer of explanations (assumptions upheld as beliefs); of a system based on change, that ignore adherence to change.
Do I truly have free will if the set of choices I can make is limited?
What does free imply? Freedom aka free and dominance aka natural opposites in coexistence with each other. One cannot be free without it being defined by barriers. ONE cannot be without being within ALL. One cannot jump up without coming from a down. If you stand still and make a step to the left; then you established the right as well. Now add the ignored motion to this and it becomes a choice based act of balance in-between the natural in between inception and death.
It is the limitation of being ONE (potential) within ALL (potentiality) that allows ONE to perceive the differences in potential; which are needed to inspire adherence to self sustenance.
As for limitation of choice...there's only two. Adherence (need) or ignorance (want). Yet look what balance (momentum) can achieve within motion?
Even if that limit is created by the tyranny of my own potential ignorance?
That refers to an added limitations within ONEself aka a lack of potential aka restricted/unused/ignored potential. Within the function of ALL; ignorance simply gets attributed to loss of potentiality through motion; while all the ONEs that adhere to struggle for self sustenance get attributed to the recharge of potentiality within the momentum (balance/resistance) of motion.
ONEs choice of actions and the resulting consequences are limited to the magnetic momentum; while ALL electric motion represents the barrier for the existence of momentum; the natural opposites defined by motion aka the movement from a beginning towards an end; which defines all the ONEs within as being temporary; limited; set into motion.
As for tyranny...the power that ONE represents (potential) is defined by the power that ALL offers (potentiality). It is the velocity of motion that defines the resistance of its momentum; the flow of the electric that defines the sustenance of the magnetic within.
It's similar to you being restricted to typing the words "one" and "all" in capital letters only.
This is me stripping language of complexity to prevent the ignorant to use it to hide behind. I boiled existence down to ONE within ALL and they still want to argue what all means; even if I write ALL My favorites are those who try to argue for there being more than all; because it shows the corruption of wants set into can never be enough. That inspires me to tackle ignorance within myself way more efficiently.
Needs and wants create the hierarchy of growth/corruption. The leadership principle is being called like that because "ship" represents ONE vessel within ALL motion; which implicates motion defining the rules for those within. The bees don't submit free will to the Queen; they collectively adhere to self sustenance; while protecting the source of it. Then there's the wolf-pack under the alpha who utilize free will of choice to a) put the collective sustenance under the most efficient individual; while b) always choose to keep challenging the alpha to maintain collective sustenance.
We were tricked to mimic both; while the inversion suggested us to believe in submission of free will to not just an unquestionable authority up top; but to a nonstop expanding hierarchy (corruption) of false authority underneath aka the chain of command...a pyramid scheme; a world wide caste system based on using beliefs for suggestion to gain consent to false authority; while ignoring sole authority over self (free will).
The Kernel of all existence is self sustenance, which for the ONEs within ALL represents the need to utilize free will of chocie to adhere to ALL; not to believe; submit; consent to another ONE offering ALL aka acting in the name of ALL (in nomine).
What made you respond? Peer pressure? Suggestion? Force? How many choices did you make between perceiving what was written; comprehending it; and acting upon it?
Ask yourself why all religions demand belief; faith; submission; agreement; consent etc. from each ONE within ALL? Because natural law (as defined by motion) demands adaptation by choice of action.
Want or need...who makes the choices between inception and death for each action?
METAPHYS'ICS, noun (Gr. after, and physics). That's where we are (after physics); so let's question the origin. Energy represents ALL information (potentiality); motion the loss of it; which causes momentum within motion aka resistance to motion aka friction causing vibration; causing form to temporarily balance within the momentum (magnetic) of motion (electric).
The physics we perceive represent the consequences of actions set into motion; communicated by ALL as inspiration to ONEs senses. That's the origin; while "metaphysics" represents the inversion suggested to us that tricks us to consent to a conflict of reason about body vs mind; when both represent natural opposites in coexistence to each other; which allows the balance of "self" in-between.
What represents the self we can sustain during temporary life? Blood within the ongoing bloodline aka the accumulation of that which was; within that which is; with the free will of choice to set into motion that which will be aka the real past; present; future (time represents the inversion) within the ever changing moment within motion; and the real history (not his-story by ONEs own story written by ONEs choice of actions within ALL).
PROPOSI'TION, noun s as z. [Latin propositio, from propositus, propono.] - "that which is proposed; that which is offered for consideration, acceptance or adoption; a proposal; offer of terms". This represents ALL offering inspiration to ONEs senses (perception).
LOG'IC, noun [Latin id; Gr. from reason, to speak.]. That represents ONEs choice of ignorance towards ALL (reality) for the offered belief (fiction) of another ONE, which then causes the conflict of reason (believe in truth versus false).
Nature does not offer false; and motion does not offer affixed truth either; because motion represents constant change. The only thing that cannot change are the rules that define how motion operates (the laws of nature), which each ONE needs to mentally comprehend (gaining self discernment) so that he get build his physical assumptions within motion on a foundation of comprehension.
Reality isn't about building something; but about the act of building as a need for the maintenance of self aka constant adaptation to inspiration. This is also why our parasites are known to not be creators; only alleged destroyers; but what they're really doing is exploiting ignorance of motion; while suggestion the created within to those who created it; as to attach them to it (temptation of want); while flushing them down the flow of motion(loss); which corrupts and destroys all creation set into it. They call this energy harvesting.
OCCUR', verb intransitive [Latin occurro; ob and curro, to run.] See, an allegory for motion aka energy aka the source of ALL information. It's not creation of new; it's transmutation out of ALL that already is; and the natural opposites are defined by each others coexistence within the motion of ALL energy.
There's no 0 (off); it's always 1 (on aka ONE aka ALL).
Academic means belonging to false authority; which implies ignoring sole authority over ONEself within ALL (free will of choice). It's consent to any offered -ism that corrupts ONE comprehension (potential) of ALL perceived (potentiality).
Until represents ignorance of that which is for that which might be. Tear and burn represents ignorance of the status quo within motion; which corrupts and destroys all set into it. Motion represents ongoing order; momentum represents temporary chaos. We represent chaos out of order; not the inversion.
Ignorance of ALL for belief in the want of more.
I grew up anti-authoritarian. My education (indoctrination) was about getting out as quick as possible, while burning as many bridges as possible.
EQUA'TOR, noun [Latin from oequo, to make equal.] The parasite inversion of equality at play...ALL is ONE in energy (that's the real equality) and motion self segregated ALL (potentiality) into individual ONEs (potential); which is why we are all different; which is needed as inspiration to get us to adhere to self sustenance; which would reunite the potential; based on individual adherence to self sustenance...only by ONEs free will of choice to adhere to ALL.
Heat accumulation through the velocity of motion meeting the resistance of momentum causing friction and vibration. And what need does heat create? Liquid cooling and in comes the self (blood).
AN'TIPODE, noun [Gr. opposite, and foot.] Allegory for the act of balancing by choice of action.
Could you direct me to the inequality of nothingness for reference?
Offer meets consent by free will of choice. Each of us then either acts upon need (adaptation to inspiration) or on want (belief in information). The former represents adherence to self sustenance; the latter represents ignorance thereof in favor for a temptation.
No. "had to" refers to need. We don't need any words to communicate. These brands are restricting our senses to constantly adapt to what motion has to offer. The words we type are in adherence to a want (temptation); a fictitious layer of explanations (assumptions upheld as beliefs); of a system based on change, that ignore adherence to change.
What does free imply? Freedom aka free and dominance aka natural opposites in coexistence with each other. One cannot be free without it being defined by barriers. ONE cannot be without being within ALL. One cannot jump up without coming from a down. If you stand still and make a step to the left; then you established the right as well. Now add the ignored motion to this and it becomes a choice based act of balance in-between the natural in between inception and death.
It is the limitation of being ONE (potential) within ALL (potentiality) that allows ONE to perceive the differences in potential; which are needed to inspire adherence to self sustenance.
As for limitation of choice...there's only two. Adherence (need) or ignorance (want). Yet look what balance (momentum) can achieve within motion?
That refers to an added limitations within ONEself aka a lack of potential aka restricted/unused/ignored potential. Within the function of ALL; ignorance simply gets attributed to loss of potentiality through motion; while all the ONEs that adhere to struggle for self sustenance get attributed to the recharge of potentiality within the momentum (balance/resistance) of motion.
ONEs choice of actions and the resulting consequences are limited to the magnetic momentum; while ALL electric motion represents the barrier for the existence of momentum; the natural opposites defined by motion aka the movement from a beginning towards an end; which defines all the ONEs within as being temporary; limited; set into motion.
As for tyranny...the power that ONE represents (potential) is defined by the power that ALL offers (potentiality). It is the velocity of motion that defines the resistance of its momentum; the flow of the electric that defines the sustenance of the magnetic within.
This is me stripping language of complexity to prevent the ignorant to use it to hide behind. I boiled existence down to ONE within ALL and they still want to argue what all means; even if I write ALL My favorites are those who try to argue for there being more than all; because it shows the corruption of wants set into can never be enough. That inspires me to tackle ignorance within myself way more efficiently.