Few things you’ve inspired me to comment on, so thanks for your insightful reply:
I wasn’t trying to straw man or debate fallaciously, infact when I used the word “you” I had hoped the general and not the specific would be assumed, as the comment chain was already kind of depersonalized in that you were adding a comment to a thread between two others, regardless sorry if you or anyone else interpreted it that way lol
I draw a distinction between someone who employs the “scientific method” (known by many names throughout history, long before “the enlightenment”) and those who prostrate at the idol of Science (trust it btw or else you’ll be branded a herati...I mean Science Denier)
In some senses, A-Theism (“without a philosophy of god”/“a philosophy without god”) does result in anarchy. Now this “philosophy of god” can take uncountable myriad forms. Upon inspection however, many if not all “scientific” philosophies end up at an obfuscated God (the Big Bang is just Creatio Ex Nihlo rebranded under the new regime). This was Nietzsche’s main thesis, and I think there’s a lot of value to be had in understanding the arguments at play here.
It’s not that they contradict, it’s that the two issues are orthogonal.
One who defers to authority is just as likely to attend the church of God as attend the church of Science
Few things you’ve inspired me to comment on, so thanks for your insightful reply:
I wasn’t trying to straw man or debate fallaciously, infact when I used the word “you” I had hoped the general and not the specific would be assumed, as the comment chain was already kind of depersonalized in that you were adding a comment to a thread between two others, regardless sorry if you or anyone else interpreted it that way lol
I draw a distinction between someone who employs the “scientific method” (known by many names throughout history, long before “the enlightenment”) and those who prostrate at the idol of Science (trust it btw or else you’ll be branded a herati...I mean Science Denier)
In some senses, A-Theism (“without a philosophy of god”/“a philosophy without god”) does result in anarchy. Now this “philosophy of god” can take uncountable myriad forms. Upon inspection however, many if not all “scientific” philosophies end up at an obfuscated God (the Big Bang is just Creatio Ex Nihlo rebranded under the new regime). This was Nietzsche’s main thesis, and I think there’s a lot of value to be had in understanding the arguments at play here.