I'm sure you have all noticed this from various comment boards to Reddit and 4chan. "I'm a Christian but (communist bullshit)" or "I was a Republican but (more communist bullshit)". It never turns out well, the atheists will still say youre an idiot as will progressives. Why placate them? Why does nobody stand up for their beliefs? Are we that scared of cancel culture or are we just that scared of possibly offending someone? Who will be the first to say, "This is what I think. Dont like it? Tough titties, now get out of my way".
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Not every branch of Christianity are bigoted evangelicals.
I cannot say that the SJWs and communists don't mean well. At a very broad, conceptual level, a lot of what they say they want is compatible with what I perceive to be virtuous and a desirable direction for the world. It is only the fact that their ideas won't work and have been repeatedly shown to not work that puts me at odds with them.
Well, I'll do it for you. They don't mean well, they're driven by pure hate and envy. All they want to do is change the current system so they're on top.
They all have blood dripping from their hands.
And that makes them better than the Galt crowd... how, exactly?
You may not like it but if the argument is "solidarity" vs "got mine, fuck you", I know which side Christ is on. Even if the solidarity side is being duplicitous, at least they have the Christian definition of what virtue would look like.
Exactly! There was a video last year where some pastor or something stopped some dude and begged him to wear a mask at some kind of event. Literally on his knees and begged him to like just consider it. And don’t get me wrong, it was super cringey, but he was definitely going the Jesus angle and you’d think people would appreciate it. Instead, all the supposed “conservative” influencers and their fans were like look at this soy cuck beta whatever. “I’d never kneel for another man” type stuff. To answer OP, no ones standing up for whatever beliefs he’s projecting on to them because they probably never really had them in the first place.