I'm sure you have all noticed this from various comment boards to Reddit and 4chan. "I'm a Christian but (communist bullshit)" or "I was a Republican but (more communist bullshit)". It never turns out well, the atheists will still say youre an idiot as will progressives. Why placate them? Why does nobody stand up for their beliefs? Are we that scared of cancel culture or are we just that scared of possibly offending someone? Who will be the first to say, "This is what I think. Dont like it? Tough titties, now get out of my way".
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No, certain major SECTS of Christianity think that.
That's Corinthians. Paul the self-identified Apostle.
There's no way to put this politely: FUCK PAUL.
Paul PERSECUTED the other apostles and then converted. He never knew JC, and everything he "contributed" to the faith is wrong.
Alright, enjoy your women-led hellscape.
Dude you've got a complex.
You didn't go the direction I was hoping you'd go at all. I was hoping you'd try to expand on the incongruities between galtism and christianity.
The simple fact as I see it is that right now christianity cannot be relied on to stand against the SJW because galtism is fundamentally inimical to the core teachings of Christ as conveyed in the sermons.
I don't dispute that the SJWs are a problem, but Christ is not a useful tool to use against them.
SOMEONE, some marvelous egomaniacal pede, is going to have to make a new revelation. Someone is going to have to speak for god and contribute new canon. And they'll probably be killed for it.
It's just my thing.
I mean, if you really want me to explain why leftists and Christianity are incompatible...
sexual deviancy, homosexuality
love of Islam
worship of the state (false idol)
The only parts of the bible I regard as valid instructions from Christ are the Sermons (Luke 6:20-49, Matthew 5-7).
Pretty much the only thing I can see you throwing at me would be 6:43-45 (fruit tree) but I'd respond with 6:40 (log in eye).
But 6:47 defeats both yours and mine by saying it's post hoc.
Over a long enough period of time the christians will win, the SJWs aren't reproducing so 6:47 holds.