One year we did the electric go-karts, but one of the guys was too fat to fit into the go-kart; so next year we couldn't do it because it wasn't "inclusive"
Bowser would have been more based: this guy was in his 50s and a fan of Big Mouth, which even at the time when I still would have vaguely considered myself a "liberal" I thought was really weird.
One year we did the electric go-karts, but one of the guys was too fat to fit into the go-kart; so next year we couldn't do it because it wasn't "inclusive"
Goddamn it Bowser. Way to ruin the fun.
Bowser would have been more based: this guy was in his 50s and a fan of Big Mouth, which even at the time when I still would have vaguely considered myself a "liberal" I thought was really weird.