OK, a question - because the NYT isn't capable of being honest if it conflicts with their ideology - is the theory "debunked"? I know the CCP wishes we'd all just shut up about it before somebody mentions the word "reparations" but that's not the same thing as "not being true".
OK, a question - because the NYT isn't capable of being honest if it conflicts with their ideology - is the theory "debunked"? I know the CCP wishes we'd all just shut up about it before somebody mentions the word "reparations" but that's not the same thing as "not being true".
Far from debunked. Plenty of good reason to suspect it was lab grown. Nothing conclusive one way or the other at this point.
Every bit of evidence we have points to lab grown, this virus didn’t jump, otherwise we would have seen thousands of bats infected with this prior.