posted ago by acp_k2win ago by acp_k2win +44 / -0

In case the screenshots and any trailers/ads that were inflicted on you didn't make that obvious.

The movie a high budget garbage. The animation and art is good enough but the script makes Captain Planet seem like deep literature.

The setting is fantasy southeast asia, mostly presenting as Indonesia with the separate, distinctly color-coded, city-states plucked straight out of Avatar.

It is initially presented with some interminable exposition but once you get through that the first 15 or so minutes of actual movie are somewhat watchable. After the initial setup though everything goes downhill.

The main character is a generic wokist mary sue who is pretty much Rey from the star wars sequels and just as tedious to watch. She never fails, is never in any real danger, and everything she does works out great. The "villain" (not really though) is a tumblr self-insert fantasy with the dyke undercut. She is ALSO is the BEST fighter, is in charge because of nepotism, bullies men for laughs, and, since unnaturally buff animated women are apparently the new thing, has freakishly broad shoulders.

The dragon from the title somehow manages to be both cringe and nightmare fuel. Imagine the genie from alladin murdered a my-little-pony and was doing a puppet show with its corpse.

The side characters are all tedious and bland and of course hyper-competent at everything. The exception is the last side character acquired, a brute barbarian who works at acting tough but is actually really nice. Since he is both male and a slightly interesting character he never gets the spotlight.

The story is basically a poorly written video game where the characters need to beat each level to get the mcguffin, acquiring new and "quirky" party members at each stop, along with powerups to the dragon, most of which aren't seen later in the movie because the writers couldn't be bothered to go back and read what they wrote earlier. There is no "story" so much as a series of very loosly connected scenes that the viewer has to suffer through for the runtime.

But the dialogue makes you envy the deaf. It is full of modern social media vernacular that is so bland that I'm fairly sure it was specifically designed to inflict pain on the listener.

This post is way more effort than the movie is worth, just stay the fuck away from it.