Blue anon believers are threats to democracy. They think that a shadow organization of right wingers is secretly plotting a violent coup to take control of the country. How can one make the right voting choices when they believe that half the nation is out to get them?
Didn't you hear? All the senators (except 4) were driven from the chamber by violent right wing extremists a Republican senator insisting that the nth covid stimulus bill be read on the floor in it's entirety. We can't let this blatant attack on our democracy insistence that proper procedure be followed stand!
Blue anon believers are threats to democracy. They think that a shadow organization of right wingers is secretly plotting a violent coup to take control of the country. How can one make the right voting choices when they believe that half the nation is out to get them?
it's cute how you think voting still matters
I don't remember anyone invading the Capitol on the 4th this month.
Didn't you hear? All the senators (except 4) were driven from the chamber by
violent right wing extremistsa Republican senator insisting that the nth covid stimulus bill be read on the floor in it's entirety. We can't let thisblatant attack on our democracyinsistence that proper procedure be followed stand!